7. Am I interrupting

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Marinette grabbed her tank top and pulled it over her head. God she hoped that Alya was at the door, because she couldn't explain all those hickeys to anyone else.
She unlocked the door, but someone else was standing there.
"Sargent Evans, this is a suprise."
Chat heard the name and locked Marinette's bedroom. The last thing he needed was for Marinette to get arrested for sleeping with him.
Evans sudenly turned uncontrollably red when he saw her hickeys. Marinette's been through this alot before, she didn't even care what people thought of her anymore.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asked still shocked.
"No not at all, would you like to come in?" He was silent for a second, staring at the hickeys around her breast. She hoped he was staring at the hickeys and not her breasts, because that could be considered harrasment.
"No I just came to give you these." He said handing her a case file. While this was happening Chat listened closely to every word spoken.
"What's this?" She asked as she started paging through the file.
"It's just updates on the Mona Lisa case and a profiling of chat Noir. It couldn't wait so I thought I'd drop it off." She stopped, shocked. Then closed the file.
"Sargent Evans are you telling me you drove all the way here at two in the morning just to give me this?" She asked. Chat now paid even more attention as to what his answer would be.
"No, no. Edwards told me you technically never sleep. So I thought I'd stop by and...ask you out." There was a long silence before he snapped back. "But I'm sorry I didn't know you have a boyfriend." There was another pause of silence and Chat was ready to break down the door and kill him.
"I'm sorry." Was all Marinette said as he turned to leave.
"It's fine. Have fun." He said and with that he left. She locked the door. O I will, don't you worry about that.
As Marinette walked down the hallway she pulled off her tank top and shorts. She just left it in the hallway. Chat unlocked the door and stepped towards her. He froze and turned red. Marinette gave a smirk before throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him.
This time it was a hungry, lust filled kiss. A war of tongues. A fight for dominance. All the lust they had built up over the past years just flowing out. Marinette zipped his suit down completely and pushed it off of him, leaving them both only in their underwear. Chat walked them back to Marinette's bed and he laid ontop of her. They broke the kiss and she looked at him. She traced her finger up his cheek, swirling it around the corner of his mask. She took the tip of the mask and pulled it off of his face. She gently put it on the bedside table then looked at him.
"No suit, no mask. Just the way I like it, Adrien." She said in a sweet and soft voice.
"I love you." He said before kissing the clean side of her neck.
"I love you too." She said.
He kissed her again and unclipped her bra. He pushed himself down between her thighs, kissing her inches from where she needed him. Teasing her, he did it with a smile.
"Chat." She moaned. He looked up at her. He shifted so that he was face to face with her again.
"Yes~?" He said seductively. She flipped them over so that she was ontop.
"Don't tease me." She said and pulled down her pretty lace underwear and then his boxers. She could feel him stiffen and his breathing hitch. Just as she was about to move her phone rang.
"For the love of God!" She screamed. Chat flipped them over so that he was ontop again while she answered her phone.
"Chang." She said shortly. And Chat went to work on her thighs.
"Hi Mari, you busy?" She asked. It was Alya. Chat started sucking on the inside of her thighs.
"No-." She sucked in a deep breath and covered her mouth to stop a million moans from flowing out of her mouth.
"Mari? You still there?"
"Yeah, what do you want?" Chat never stopped moving his mouth on her skin.
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm stoping by tomorrow morning."
"Yeah yeah that's great, got to go bye." Marinette said and ended the call and threw her phone on the floor. You could just here the phone drop before Marinette let out a loud, satisfied moan and laid her head back. Chat smiled wickedly at her as she tried to catch her breath. He loomed over her and she looked into his dark green eyes, full of lust. His eyes sparkled in the darkness. The only eyes she ever wanted to see.

Marinette was starting to drift asleep. So they stopped and spooned together. Marinette layed with her back towards Adrien, while his hands were tied around her waist. They were both still awake. Adrien was busy kissing Marinette's shoulder while she played with his fingers. His strong, muscular arms wrapped protectively around her. Claiming her, making sure that no one takes her away from him, because she belonged to him, and he belonged to her.
"I forgot how protective you can be." She said while he was still busy kissing her.
"I forgot how much you love how protective I am." He said through the kisses. She giggled softly. "Marinette, you are the one thing that I would die for, the one thing I'd give everything to, the one thing that drives me insane, you're my one weakness, you could tell me to do anything and I'd do it without hessitation. And I just can't stand the thought of any other guy taking you away from me, and then not even feel the same way about you as I do. I'd protect you with my life Marinette." He held her even tighter. She managed to turn around and face him. Knowing how she made him feel terrified her. Having that kind of power over the best criminal in Paris, that's...that's realy something. But she loved it, in some funny way.
"I'd never leave you, you know that right?" She asked as he stared down at his princess.
"I know." He said and turned on his back with a heavy sigh. Marinete laid ontop of him as they both closed their eyes and drifted into a deep and satisfying sleep.
It was early, really early when there was a knock on the door. Both of them moaned in annoyance.
"Go get it." Adrien mumbled to Marinette in a tired voice as he turned his back towards her.
"No you get it." She said in the same voice before turning and putting her hands around his waist. Nuzzling her face in his bare and warm back while slowly moving her hands up and down his abs. The knock repeated.
"A criminal in your bed won't look very good on your record." He mumbled while his face was burried in the pillow. Marinette sighed heavily before sitting up. Adrien just chuckled and she hit him in the middle of his bare back.
"Oww." He said like a child. She snorted and quicly got dressed. She looked in the mirror. She had even more hickeys than when Evans was there, but this time she was smart and she wore a long sleeve shirt. She walked to the door and the knock was heard again. She quickly threw their clothes, that were lying in the hallway, into the bathroom before continuing to the door.
She unlocked it, Alya stood infront of it. O no.
Alya was going to speak but kept quiet after seeing Marinette.
"What the hell did you do last night?" She said shocked.
"Nothing." She answered like a guilty child. How the hell could she know anything?"
"Okay, so why do you have that guilty face on?"
"Okay okay, I secretly ate the last cookie in the jar. Sorry mom." She said sarcastically then laughed and let Alya in. Alya started walking towards her bedroom and Marinette jogged infront of her and stood infront of the door.
"What are you doing?" Marinette asked with a guilty smile, hoping that Adrien had gotten dressed.
"Going to your bedroom what are you doing?" She said and moved to the left but so did Marinette.
"Stopping you." She smiled nervously again.
"Unless there's a naked old guy in there open the door." Marinette stood her ground but turned red.
"O my god!" Alya shouted.
"Well he's not old." Marinette said softer than usual.
"Is he hot?" Alya asked backing away.
"Did you come here to lecture me about my sex life, or are you here for a reason?"
"No, I just wanted to say that the Mona Lisa's frame was found delivered to the station this morning. We're looking into it."
"Why would someone return the frame, it's equally as valuable." Alya shrugged and walked off. She winked at Marinette and then left. Marinette sighed, laughed and locked the door.

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