9. I think

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Marinette ran into the station. Alya pulled her aside the second she put her foot in the station.
"Marinette I love you. And I know you did nothing wrong. But if you did something you have to tell me now so that I can understand and defend you." Her eyes searched into Marinette's.
"I didn't do anything wrong this is just a huge misunderstanding." She said in a laughing way, setting Alya at ease a bit. They both started walking towards the interigation room while Marinette thought of an explanation.
They went into the room and Marinette sat down. Evans and Alya stood infront of her.
"No lawer?" He asked seriously. Marinette laughed.
"Lawers make you look guilty." She said and laughed softly again before taking in a suttle breath.
"I saw that you like to smoke." He said, Alya stood quietly and listened though her body was tense and stiff, that much Marinette noticed.
"Why is that relevant?" She asked. What she realy wanted to know is how he knew she smoked.
"We found a cigarette butt at the crime scene. Matched it to your DNA." He said and threw an evidence bag with her cigarette in it infront of her. She wondered again why he would match it to hers specifically. Her DNA isn't in codece so he had to have pulled her DNA from her file and specifically matched it. Why would he think she's guilty?
"Yeah, I'll admit that's mine. But that was from this morning when I arrived at the scene. Alya back me up."
"She's right sir, I saw her smoke it this morning." Alya said standing more forward.
"It's a bad habbit, you should stop." Bad habbit my ass. She thought.
"I'll cut to the chase. We have you on tape saying that, and I quote: 'Eleven, I still got time.' Time for what?"
"Time to go to a bar before closing time." She said with the calmness of any other suspect.
"You were two hours late for your interigation yesterday. Why?" She thought she liked this guy, but he was realy starting to get on her nerves. Yet she kept he calm. If she couldn't keep calm she'd be like Chat by now.
"I forgot."
"O the old I forgot line, realy? You want to know what I think or actually know happened?" He stood planting his hands on the cold metal table.
"O story time." She said sarcastically and smilled.
"You did go to a bar. A random guy slipped something into your pocket. You freaked out, went home, got your weapons and left for the Eiffel tower. There you smoked again. Again we found the butt. You were waiting for someone. That someone arrived, you two made out, went home, made out some more and now your sitting in the interigation room explaining to me why you were having sex with Chat Noir."
She widened her eyes a bit and stared at him in disbelief. She jumped up and planted her hands on the table as well.
"You sonofabitch! That's why you were at my apartment last night! You were spying! You've been spying on me this whole time!" She shouted. Why would he spy on her from the beginning? He had no reason to.
"Answer the question detective."
"No I did not have sex with Chat Noir." She gridded through her teeth.
"Who did you have sex with?" She quickly remembered Chat's cover name.
"Felix Minks." She said and sat back down.
There was a moment of silence.
"You're suspended until further notice." He said and left. Alya stared at Marinette before dragging the seat and sitting next to her. Marinette sighed and hung her head in her hands.
"You want to go get coffee?" Marinette looked at her.
"Yes." She said and both women left.
"I just don't get it, I had sex and now I'm on suspension. You have sex all the time and look at you." Alya huffed as Marinette said those words when they sat down at the coffee shop.
"I don't know Mari. I mean it did kind of look like you killed Nathaniel. I mean I know you didn't, it's a stupid suspision. But you have to admit for the moment being, you look guilty."
"Yeah, I geuss. But it sucks, now I can't work on the Mona Lisa case, or the murder."
"Don't worry, you know me. I'll keep you posted." Marinette looked at her watch, 09:56.
Still got a long way to go.
"How is it going on the murder?" Marinette asked.
"Uhm good I guess. The only suspect we have is you so far."
"How about the autopsy?"
"Sliced neck, deep. And a stab in the back. Doc says the back stab was actually unnecessary. Vic would have died from the neck cut alone." But he always makes sure. Marinette thought.
"But that's how I know you didn't kill him, you'd be a lot more precise and sketchy." She said and they both laughed.
"And the Mona Lisa?"
"Haven't really worked on that much. Exept, I found that security on the painting was tripped for only six seconds. So If Chat Noir did do this, he definitely didn't do it alone. He'd need someone to stand gaurd, someone to trip the security, and then someone to help him with the painting. So my guess is that we're looking at atleast three more guys. And knowing Chat, he wouldn't work with people, at least not without killing them afterwards. What do you think?" Marinette snapped out of her train of thought.
"I think...Chat didn't do it. I think that if Chat did it, he would've killed everyone at the museum. His MO states that he never moves a body. So I think there's someone else out there." Alya listened with close attention.
"See this is why you're a cop." Alya glanced at her phone before jumping up.
"Shit, I have to go. Talk to you later." Before Marinette could say a word, Alya was gone.
She sat alone and finished her coffee. She paid and left.
It was 00:00 and Marinette was standing under the Eiffel tower, waiting. She didn't smoke, she couldn't risk it this time.
"First time you're not smoking while waiting. Something up?"
Chat emerged from the shadows and walked up to her.
"Can't risk it. Evans is on my case."

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