6. I swear

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Marinette parked her car at the station. She was late. It was already 10 p.m. She was two hours late.
Alya was pacing around the interigation room when Marinette walked in and sat down.
"We thought you skipped town!" She said and sat down as well.
"Well I'm here now, so ask away." Alya sighed heavily, seeing no way to argue with her in a way that she would win. She took out a case file.
"At what time did you last see the victim?" She started.
"Around ten thirty."
"How did you get home?"
"He drove me home."
"Did he stay at your place?"
"No, he dropped me off and left."
"Where were you at the time of the murder?"
"What's the time?"
"After eleven."
"I was home sleeping, and before you ask, yes my neighbour Wendy Stein can verify." The back and forth of word play came to a stop after a few minutes and silence fell. Alya got up and turned to leave.
"See you tomorrow. We start working on the Mona Lisa case." She said and left without a word further.
Marinette gave a heavy sigh and looked at her watch.
"Eleven, I still got time." She said to herself before getting up and leaving.
She went to her appartment and changed into another tank top and shorts. She left the building and went straight to the Eiffel tower. She was leaning against the foot of the tower smoking, while thinking of what was going to happen. She had her gun and knife. She was very prepared, but for what? She looked at her watch. 23:59. Criminals are always so precise. Never a minute early or a minute late.
She stepped on her cigarette and looked at the watch as the digital numbers all changed to zeroes.
She pulled out her gun and stood ready, waiting.
"You can put that away, it won't be necessary." She hung her head low and sighed before looking up. She put the gun away.
And there he was, standing infront of her. She couldn't help but start crying. He ran to her and held her tight before she crumbled to the ground.
"You stupid cat." She said teasingly through the tears as she nuzzled her head in his chest. His warm, soft, comforting chest.
She pulled out of the hug after she calmed down and looked at him.
"Hey." Was al he said with a smile before he started leaning in. She didn't even try to stop him. How could she?
He hesitated but then closed the little space that was between them. It was a soft and passionate kiss.
After a while they both pulled away to catch their breath and she hugged him. She wrapped her arms around him and burried her face in his chest. He put his head ontop of hers and held her like he was about to loose her.

"What did you do?" She asked in a shaky cried out voice.
He didn't move he just held onto her tighter. Then he picked her up bridal style and took her back to her appartment without a word.
He put her down so she could unlock the door. When she did, they both walked in and he locked the door. He hugged her again refusing to let go.
"I didn't steal the painting, I swear." He said after a long silent moment passed.
The quiet fell again before Marinette asked, "And Nathaniel?" She asked it in a soft voice, hugging him tighter. He sighed.
"He touched you. What was I supposed to do? You know I'm very protective of what belongs to me." He said equally as soft, but then raising his voice at the last part.
"You promised you'd stop." She said as he started walking her towards her bedroom and closing the door. He took her by her waist and nuzzled his face into the curve of her neck.
"That was before you came back into my life." He whispered in her ear before starting to kiss her neck. Hot, open mouthed kisses all over her neck. He found her soft spot and started sucking, making her moan.
"I missed you." She said and he stopped, but he didn't move. She felt his hot breath being blown onto her neck in pants, and she loved it.
"I missed you too." He said before kissing his way up to her mouth. He bit her lip asking for permission and she gladly opened. They took their time reexploring each others mouths. It's been to long.
"You feel like doing something?" He asked sweetly. She kissed him and said nothing just started to pull down the ziper to his suit. I'll take that as a yes. He thought.
He slid his hands up her waist and under the hem of the tank top. He waited a second before pulling it over her head. He trailed a line of dark hickeys from her jaw to her breasts. Then he picked her up and layed her on her bed. He got ontop of her, and in between her legs and left another line of hickeys going from her breasts to her thigh, skipping past her bra. He was so good at giving her hickeys. He loved it, she loved it. Not in the morning though. She gave a laugh. "How I am going to cover these up?" She asked as he just left more hickeys.
"You wouldn't dare to. Let the whole world now you're mine." He said teasingly. A silent tear rolled down her cheek. She thought he didn't see it, she hoped he didn't see, but she could never get anything past him. He stopped.
"Am I hurting you?" He said softly while gently wiping away the tear.
"No, I just missed you so much." She said and he smilled. She kissed him, fully and deeply he kissed back. He was about to pull off her shorts when there was a knock on the appartment door. Chat groaned in annoyance. Marinette giggled and got out from under him. Ever suddenly she felt something she hadn't felt since she became a cop. Cold. She felt cold. She felt the loss of his heat on her body. The heat of his wet kisses trailing down her body. Like a trail of fire. And when he touches her it feels like the blood under her skin is boiling wherever he touches.
Marinette stared at him as he stared right back at her. She was snapped back into reality when the knock repeated.

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