10. Burn in hell

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"Evans was spying on me, that's why he was at my appartment last night. He knew we were having sex."
"Sonofabitch." Chat whispered under his breath.
"Yeah I know."
"What did you say?"
"That...I was having sex with Felix Minks." She mumbled as she started fiddling with her fingers and looked down.
"Told you that having a backup identity would come in usefull." He said lifting up her chin.
"Hey what if he's watching us right now?" He said worried.
"Don't worry I checked this place and bugged Evans." She said and Chat leaned in closer to her.
"That's my clever girl." He was about to touch her lips, but she stopped him by placing her hand on his lips.
"Evans thinks I killed Nathaniel."
"I smoked a cigarette that morning and left the butt at the scene. Evans found it and now he thinks I killed him." She took a shaky breath.
"Don't, we'll fix this." She leaned into his chest.
"How?" She mumbled.
"I don't know." He said and started stroking her hair. His hands moved up and down her spine trying to comfort her.

Sudenly Marinette was hit into the ground from behind, falling ontop of Chat, hard. So hard could feel a bit of blood push out her mouth from the force. She groaned in pain before she realised they were cornered, trapped. The S.W.A.T. team surrounded them.
Evans came to show after they handcuffed Chat and Marinette at their wrists and heels. After him, Alya came waling in. Her eyes were stained with tears and she had a gun pointed at Marinette. Not at Chat. Just at Marinette.
"I trusted you, with my life." She said and softly put the gun to Marinette's head. Both women tried their very best not to cry. Marinette failed and a few tears rolled down her cheeks over the edges of er eyes. But she didn't sob. She keept a straight face.
"You see Marinette, now we have you on tape for, shall I say, treason. That's life in prison. You might want that lawer now." Evans turned to Chat before saying, "And I assume you know very well why you're going to prison." Chat hissed at him angrily and he stumbled backwards. Two men held her and four men held Chat. She struggled to get free from the chains. She stopped, it was no use. Chat seemed to try harder than her. He kept on trying. He kept fighting and struggling to get loose, he hissed in frustration and anger. His pupils became incredibly small and he pulled and hissed and screamed. He had more to loose than Marinette. A gun shot was heard in the air. It was Evans, he silenced everyone. No one moved. Chat stood panting, out of breath. He struggled once more.
Evans pressed the gun to Chat forehead, hard. Chat hissed in anger again.
"Not to disappoint you. But this isn't the first time I had a gun aimed at my head." Chat said still trying to catch his breath. Marinette started crying again upon seeing a gun to Chat's head.
Evans pulled the gun away.
"Marinette Dupain-Chang and Chat Noir. You are under arrest for seperate reasons. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as I read them to you?" He said with a smug smile plastered on his face while walking them to the police van.
"I hope you burn in hell." Marinette said with a with a cried out, rusty voice as he shut the door.
"I'll take that as a yes." He hit the van twice and it started driving. Alya was sitting with them while an officer was driving. Alya checked on the driver. He was listening to music, it was blasting so hard in his ears that they could hear it.
Marinette and Chat sat next to each other on the one side while Alya sat on the other side.

Everyone sat in silence. No one uttered a word. Chat leaned his head back against the van and closed his eyes. Marinette looked down at her hands.
"Never knew how it felt to be taken to prison." Marinette said not daring to look up.
"You wouldn't have to know if you just sticked to the rules." Alya said. Chat had opened his eyes and sat up straight again.
"I didn't do anything wrong Alya." She said soft.
"You slept with the best criminal in Paris who, by the way, shot me." Her voice had raised a little at this point.
"Hey that was your own fault. You came on to me with your gun. What was I supposed to do? Not shoot you and get arrested." Chat said in Marinette's defence.
"And you're the last person who can blame Marinette for anything. You've done much worse." Chat said and Alya's eyes stretched open.
"That's none of your concern." She said and Marinette looked at her in disbelief.
"I'm going to prison for life, you might as well tell me what you did." Marinette said and Alya looked at her. Her face softend, almost as if forgiving Marinette because she did do something worse. Alay looked away.
"I slept with Bubler."
"What!" Marinette screamed. If she wasn't chained down she would've jumped up.
"And she's still seeing him." Chat added. Alya bit her lip. Waiting in anticipation for Marinette's respons.
Marinette sat shocked.
"What about Nino?" She asked and Alya bit her lip.
"O my God. Nino is Bubler." For a moment there was silence then Marinette suddenly burst into laughter.
"Woah, I thought I was bad." She said and sighed in an out of breath kind of way while wiping a tear from her eye.
"You're just fine with this?" Chat asked.
"Of course. How can I blame her when I did the exact same thing?" Alya got up and sat next to Marinette. She gave her a hug.
The van stopped moving.
"I'll do my best to get you two out." Alya said and the van doors flung open.
Four gaurds stood infront of them and took them out.
"Love you." Marinette whispered to Chat in a cracked up voice.
"Love you too." He said in the same kind of voice.

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