-by your side-

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I stuck to Sana most of the night to make sure she was really ok about me and dahyun.
"Momo I'll be fine. I want you to be happy not worried about me~" her bright smile made me believe every word.

I thought about are kiss...and wondered how that would feel with dahyun instead.

We entered the room and sat down next to jihyo.

"Jihyo~" Sana huged and stuck herself next to jihyo letting me go to dahyun.
"Momo!~" "I missed you" I hugged dahyun and took in her sent of roses while getting stared at by jeongyeon.

"Gross, we do it better nayeon" Jeongyeong began to hug nayeon mocking us. "Stop jeongyeon~" she took the hug farther by nearly kissing nayeon, jihyo immediately separated the two. "That's what you get!" Dahyun pouted, still looking at nayeon whose whole face was a red tint. Nayeon grabbed jeongyeon and dragged her to the bathroom.

"Those two are going to expose themselves" jihyo looked at us and then the other members. "Jihyo! Don't say another word"

Me and dahyun cracked the bathroom door open to see what was going on.

"Your going to get us in truble jeongyeon!"
"Who cares, it's been how long sense we've started this relationship?"
"Jeongyeon it doesn't matter how long it's been. We're not supposed to make it public."

We continued to watch as nayeon was suddenly pulled into Jeongyeons arms.

"Nayeon if you feel the same way I do, then sooner rather then later we need to come
out....ok~ I'll be right there with you ever step of the way...besides isn't that what a good girlfriend is supposed to do~"

Nayeon blushed brightly giving jeongyeon her answer "ok...will do it soon~"

We ran back to are seats trying to contain are selfs from what we just saw. "Don't tell anyone about that ok dahyun?" "Ok" she began to laugh looking at me. "What?"

"You forgot to fill in your eyebrows" "What!" I ran into the bathroom forgetting about nayeon and jeongyeon. "whoa you ok momo?"
"I look like a mess" I sobbed at the mirror while I saw dahyuns reflection in the mirror holding some makeup. "Thank you" without thinking I kissed dahyun on cheek and applied the makeup. 

"You two should tell the members about your confession, and we will tell the public about ares....let's make a date and time for each-"

"I'm not ready yet.." Dahyun whined at jeongyeon  untill she left. "Momo I don't know what to do. We have hardly had anytime and they want us to tell everyone.. it's worse enough that they even know! I shouldn't of told them in the first place. I'm such an idiot."

I grabbed dahyun into my arms and played with her cheek still red from my kiss. She immediately began to clam down in my arms making me blush.  Everything about her was perfect...if we needed to tell the others to have a relationship then we'll do it.

"We'll figure it out..don't worry~" I gave her another peck on the cheek and we left.

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