-we kissed-

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Minas point of view

Me and Chaeyoung decided it would be best to leave the party knowing how bad it would most likely get.

It was quite but I enjoyed it. My mind went to the work we'd have to do. I loved growing as a team but it got tiring. I felt Chaeyoungs finger tap my shoulder.

She looked at me with a worried face.
"Are you thinking about tomorrow?"
"Ya.." She pouted. I didn't want to make her sad. "To be honest. I'm excited that we get to have are first comback as a couple. This is all still new to me so I'm excited to grow with you Chaeyoung."

I felt as her hand went to my face, moving my hair behind my ear. She showed me her biggest smile that made me giggle every time she showed it. My finger went to her dimple, poking it. She giggled at the touch. I wondered what would happen if I touched her more. She always adored my touch.

I moved my fingers though her hair. She closed her eyes in satisfaction. "Mina~ I love you."

I froze in place. My heart started to race but I was ready. I needed to let her know I liked her a lot. I l..loved her.

"I...like you. No I..lo I love you!"

Momos point of view

Sanas hand went to my face.
"Your cute when you blush"  I closed my eyes wanting this to pass but it didn't work. Her mouth grassed across my cheek. I felt myself crumbling under her touch.

Jihyo popped into my head. I couldn't do this. But it was to late. I had summited in every way to Sana. Her lips were moving along with mine. Her hands played with my hair as her tongue entered your mouth. She loved Jihyo why was she touching me like this. She has to be drunk. Please be.

Jihyos point of view

Jennie had rolled off of me on to the cold floor. I tried to get up but dahyun sat on me. Her dress rode up, leaving her near bare ass on my thighs. She got closer and closer until her face was centimeters away from mine. She was drunk and hot slurring her words into my ear.
"Y...your hot. Jihyo....kiss m..me" 
I nearly died as dahyuns lips slammed against mine. Momo was going to kill me. Her lips were soft and warm. I felt myself moving along with them falling under trap to dahyun.
"Jihyo..I...I love y...momo"

In that sudden pushed dahyun away and stared to run for my life into the bathroom.

Momos point of view

I was scared of what else could happen. She stared to touch me more putting her hand up my shirt. I grabbed it and moved away. "Fuck...fuck!!"

I ran and ran until the bathroom entered my vision. Inside was Jihyo...jihyo! I stoped in my tracks trying to get the air back into my lungs.
"Jihyo." I started to panic. Her eyes began to water. Why!! "Momo..s...something bad just happened."

I slid down the wall of the bathroom scared of everything. Jihyo did the same. "Jihyo something bad did happen."

"Sana and I kissed for a while. She just wouldn't stop Jihyo." I turned my head to scared to look at jihyo. Her sobbing got louder.
"Dahyun and me did the same."

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