-im ready to tell her-

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Minas point of view

Chaeyoung and I were off to a strawberry farm.
Last time she went with her self so I wanted to make this special for her.

"Mina..you look too good for picking strawberries" she giggled at me then put a big hat on my head. I made funny poses at her.

We took pictures then said are good byes to the members for the day. We were going to the same place Chaeyoung went alone.
"You'll seriously love this place Mina..." She was fidgeting all the way there. I took her hand in mine and gave her a sweet smile.

"I can't wait"

The sun was hot today but perfect. Chaeyoung was always happy in summer weather. I enjoyed her happiness. I think it spread to me.

"Come on its in here" she took my hand and brought me to the rows and rows of small strawberry bushes. I saw all different sizes of bright yummy red fruits.

"Let's do this row first." I pointed at the middle row that had the best looking ones. We grabbed are baskets and started the fun.

Chaeyoungs point of view

Mina had a smile on her face the whole time. I felt light and happy around her as if butterflies were all around us.

She would giggle at my stupid thoughts I would pop out of my mouth at random times and push me when I did something dumb. I loved being with her. I was in Heaven, truly.

"Did you fill your basket?" She turned and saw my overflowing basket of strawberry's.
"Chaeyoung..you got to many here" she grabbed my basket and threw some of mine in hers. "S..sorry" even though I was stupid she still kept a smile on her face.

Minas point of view

Next was the flowers. I was really excited to look at the bright colors. It took me back to the moment where Momo got dahyun flowers. I wanted to do the same for Chaeyoung.

"Omg look..it looks like you" she picked up a bundle of black and white roses, a unique combination. "How?" I leaned in and smelled them. She held them next to me and smiled.
"Elegant...black swan and b.. Beautiful" I felt my face turn into a stupid blush. She noticed right away and put them down.

I immediately grabbed them back. "I like them"
She looked at me and smiled. Her cute dimples showing in the sunlight. "Ok!" She put her hand in mine and showed me all around that garden.

There was a private area she rented out for us. It was in a glass room out in the farm. There were hanging flowers and vines coming from the sides and top. A table was in the middle with plates set up. "So beautiful..Chaeyoung"

We sat down and looked into each other's eyes. Hers sparkled bright in the sun. She suddenly turned her head and looked out into the farm.
There was nothing but land as far as we could see. It was a never ending ocean of plants and grass. It was so pretty but Chaeyoung still never left from my eye sight.

Chaeyoungs point of view

Are food came. It was a big fruit salad with chicken in it. Mina enjoyed it very much. Her face was in a constant smile every bite.
"Do you like it?"

"I love it..Chaeyoung. It's great. Thank you" we smiled then I stood up and went outside.
There was a big tree. It was in the middle of nowhere. Mina took a seat on the grass.

Minas point of view

Everything about the place was perfect.
I moved over as Chaeyoung sat next to me on the grass.

She moved closer inch by inch until she was able to put her head on my shoulder. It was a comfortable feeling having her close.
"I could stay here forever" I looked at her and nodded. My eyes got lost in hers once again.

"Alone not so much but with y..you"

We both leaned in and kissed. My heart jumped up and down as I moved with hers. Her hand went to mine a squeezed it.

She placed her forehead on mine.

"Mina..I...I love you" those work always scared me but this time I was ready to tell her.

"I love you too"

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