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Vincent Phantomhive former Earl of the Phantomhive family and ex-aristocrat of evil died in the fire with his wife. He expected to go to hell considering his line of work. However, that was not the case instead he was reborn many years in the future in Namimori, Japan. Ironically he was a direct descendant of a famous Italian mafia boss called Giotto Di Vongola. It seems that even in this life he's connected to the underworld.



Namimori High - Student Council President's Office

A brunette was quietly signing some documents. He took a small sip from his earl grey tea. He slowly put his cup on the table, and his lips twitched upwards when he felt a familiar presence. "You can come out now my friend." 

A young, lean man, with long grey hair with a single braid on his right side and chartreuse phosphorescent eyes, came out of the shadows. The man smirked in amusement, and a hint of nostalgia was present in his eyes. "It's been a while hasn't Earl?"

Vincent smirk widened. "Yes, it has Undertaker or should I say Adrian Crevan."

Undertaker smirked. "So you remember?"

"Of course."

Undertaker's lips twitched upwards when he saw the familiar glint in the former Earl's eyes. "How may I help you, Earl?"

Vincent's smirk widened. "I want you to work as my righthand man. Do you accept Adrian?"

Undertaker's eyes widened and then started laughing. "Hahaha, I should've' known. Very well, I will become your right-hand man and friend again Earl Vincent Phantomhive. By the way Earl, what's your name in this world?"

"It's Tsunayoshi Sawada; however, I prefer Vincent."

"As you wish Earl."

A knock made Vincent look towards the door.

"Can I come in Kaichou?"

"Yes come in."

When the girl came in, she saw a smirking silver head standing next to the student president. "Sorry to interrupt Kaichou there's someone who wants to meet you."

"Hoh? And who is that?"

"He said his name is Antonio Cavalier."

Vincent's eyes narrowed at the name. "Send him in, please and tell everyone not to disturb us for today."

"Hai, Kaichou."

Undertaker looked at his friend. "Do you want me to stay Earl?"

"Yes. You are my right-hand man after all." Vincent smirked.

"Very well then."

A Spanish man entered the room. "It's good to see you, Tsunayoshi-sama."

"Same to you Antonio. How was your flight?"

"It was pleasant." said Antonio.

"That's good. Shall we start?"

"Yes, however, is he okay?" Antonio pointed at the smirking ex-reaper.

"Yes, he's my righthand man."

Antonio nodded.

"Any news about the mafia?" said Vincent.

"Yes. The Estreano Famiglia was massacred. The Vindice is looking for the culprits as we speak."

"They can look as much as they want, but they won't be able to find them." Vincent smirked.

Antonio didn't question him and instead started talking about something else. "There is something that you should know.".

"What is it?"

"It seems that Vongola is making their move."

"Is that so."

"Yes. Are they going to be okay?"

"Of course, after all, I don't choose useless people as my subordinates."

"That is true. There's something that Pier found out about Vongola."

"Hm is it about that man who is iced in the Vongola mansion."

Antonio's eyes widened in shock. "How'd you know?"

"I have my ways." Vincent smiled mysteriously.

"What do you know about him?"

"Now, what would be the fun in telling you?"

"You're really annoying you know."

"I try."

Antonio clicked his tongue while the former reaper smirked.

"You know I was reading a very interesting book earlier..."

Antonio raised an eyebrow. "What about?"

"It was an interesting story about a warrior who betrayed his King."

Antonio started sweating as he felt the brunette's cold gaze.

"When the King was informed of his subordinate's traitorous acts, he hanged him in front of the villagers. You know why? Because it sends a message."

Undertaker leaned back on the wall enjoying the conversation.

"A message that whoever does such acts will meet the same fate. It's truly a fascinating story don't you agree?" Vincent smiled innocently at the Spanish man in front of him.

"Eh...yes very..." said Antonio nervously.


"I-I should get going."

"Very well. Do be careful on your way back."

Antonio nodded and quickly left the room.

Undertaker looked at the smirking brunette. "Will he be taken care of Earl?"

"Of course Adrian." said Vincent, as he sipped his tea gracefully.





Somewhere in the forest

"Damn it how did he know?!" Antonio looked behind him when suddenly he collided with a body. He looked at the person that he crashed into. There stood a boy with blonde hair and red eyes.

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"Yo!" said the Boy.

"Hey get out of the way boy!" Antonio shouted.

"Ara ara~ why are you in such a hurry Mister?"

"I don't have time for-"

The boy smiled sadistically. "After all you must be hanged for the crimes of betraying the king."

Antonio's eyes widened. Suddenly he felt a wire around himself and then he was pulled up as if he was hanged.

"Adios señor traidor! (goodbye mister traitor!)" the boy smiled innocently.

"I wonder if the convenient store still has that sale on...Hm, what do you think?" He looked at the dead man who was hanged from the tree. "Tch, he's dead. I might as well visit Vincent." 

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