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Reborn was twitching while Vincent and Undertaker looked at him with amused expressions. What prompted this scene? Well, let's go a few hours back...


Reborn looked at the information about his student and frowned. "Tsunayoshi Sawada known as Dame-Tsuna is a -"

"Hoh I'm a dame?" said a deep silky voice.

A startled Reborn looked at Vincent who was smiling at him 'innocently'. How did I not notice him?!

"How can I help you this fine day?" said Vincent. 

Reborn could tell that he was dangerous. After all, not many can startle him.

"Heheheheh so this is the one that you were talking about eh?" said a deep voice behind the hitman. 

Reborn quickly turned away and saw a long silver-haired man looking at him with a smirk.

"Yes." said Vincent as he looked at the shocked hitman and smirked. "Parleremo nel mio ufficio.  (We shall talk in my office)"

Reborn's eyes widened. "Come conosci l'italiano? (how do you know Italian?)"

"Leggo. (I read)" Vincent smirked.

Reborn's eyes twitched.

Flashback ends





"So-" before he could finish Vincent was interrupted by a phone. "Sorry, one minute. What is it?"

"Mr. Romani wants to talk to you sir." said a feminine voice.

"I see put him on."


"How can I help you, signor?"

"Antonio hasn't returned to the mansion did you have anything to do with this?" said a deep male voice with a Spanish accent.

"Of course not I wouldn't dare touch a hair on his head." Vincent smirked.

Reborn raised an eyebrow.

"What a load of bull!" Romani shouted.

"I assure you, signor, I'm telling you the truth. Oh however before he left I did tell him an interesting story." said Vincent calmly. 


Vincent's smirk widened. "It was about a foolish warrior who betrayed his king. When the king heard about the traitorous acts, he hanged him in front of the villagers. Although I forgot to tell the ending of the story to Antonio before he left, you see when the warrior was hanged, the king heard that the warrior had a boss. And it was him who ordered the betrayal. This made the king angry. Therefore he commanded his troops to wipe out the entire family and everyone the boss worked for." 

"It's a...a very interesting story." said Romani nervously. 

"I agree."  Vincent smiled sweetly.

Reborn flinched slightly.

"As you can see, I only told him a story nothing else. Have a good day signor."

"Ah, y-yes good day."

When Vincent ended the call, he started dialing a number on his phone.

"Yes?" said a feminine voice.

"You know what to do."

"Yes, Boss."

Vincent ended the call and looked at the hitman in front of him. "Now let's talk, shall we?"

Reborn nodded. "We should talk privately." he pointedly looked at where Undertaker was leaning on the wall.

"I don't think so. Adrian will stay here with us." Vincent 'smiled' at Reborn.

Reborn sighed in frustration. "Very well. I am here to make you the next boss of Vongola." Reborn was surprised when he didn't hear Vincent freak out or scream in surprise, but instead looked at him with an amused expression, it was as if...as if he knew why he was here. Reborn's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I gather you have figured it out Mr hitman?"


Vincent smirked mockingly at him. "I have my ways."

Reborn's eyebrows twitched. I don't think he needs training at all! He's the definition of a mafia boss!

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