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Alright guys, so those who have read Black Butler manga know that Vincent has two sons. One who goes by the name Ciel whose butler is Sebastian and the other one who was dead. Now because I don't want to change too many things from Black Butler, I have put 'Ciel' for the brother who has Sebastian as his butler and Ciel as the one who was dead but is now alive thanks to Undertaker. I hope this makes sense when you read this chapter and some of the upcoming ones.



Sawada Household

"So Cavallone now that you have seen me, what do you think?" Vincent said while smiling.

A shiver went down Dino's back. "W-Well you are the definition of an underworld boss."

Vincent smiled. "Thank you for the compliment."

It wasn't a compliment! Dino sweatdropped.

"Yo Tsuna!" Takeshi said as he walked in. "The door was open."

Vincent hummed. "Why are you here?"

"Ahahaha I wanted to thank you for saving my life." Takeshi said.

"Oi baseball freak! Don't talk to juudaime so casually." Hayato scowled.


Vincent looked at them, amused. "They're amusing."

Vincent's guardians nodded in agreement.

"Well, I appreciate the thought. I will see you tomorrow at school. Maybe in the afternoon." Vincent said.

"Alright. See you, Tsuna." Takeshi said as he left.

Vincent smiled. "Of course."

"I will be going too juudaime." Hayato said.

"Alright. Take care of yourselves."

"Hai juudaime! Hayato said.

As soon as they left, he looked at Dino who flinched at his gaze.

"You can stay in the guest room. However, do not make unnecessary problems, or I'll get my guardians to kill you."

"Yes!" Dino said.

He's scarier than reborn! Dino thought.



Next Day...

NamImori High - Student Council President's office

A brunette was seen sleeping on the couch.



"Papa! Papa! Wait for me!" Ciel shouted as he ran towards Vincent as fast as his little feet could take him.

Vincent stopped and looked at Ciel. "Ciel, why are you here?"

Ciel panted and then looked at Vincent. "Um, w-well brother said he wanted you to stay with him. So I came to get you."

Vincent frowned and crouched down to his level. "Did something happen? Is he having seizures again?"

Ciel shook his head. "No, that's not it."

"Then what is it?"

"He said something terrible is going to happen today." Ciel said worriedly.

Vincent frowned slightly. "Can you take me to your brother, Ciel?"

Ciel nodded. "Sure."

Vincent opened the door and looked at the trembling figure of 'Ciel.' "I heard you had a nightmare. Are you okay?" Vincent said as he sat on the bed next to 'Ciel.'

'Ciel' looked at Vincent and hugged him tightly. "I saw you and mother die, father."

Vincent frowned and patted Ciel's head gently. "Well, I'm here now aren't I? That was a dream so no-"

"NO!" Ciel shouted surprising Vincent. "Something terrible is going to happen!"

Vincent sighed and kissed 'Ciel' on the forehead. "Well, whether it will come true or not know that your mother and I will always be with you both. In here." Vincent said as he touched him on where his heart was.

"Really? Promise?" Ciel said as he sniffled.

Vincent smirked. "Have I ever broken a promise to you?"

'Ciel' shook his head. "No, you haven't."


That night...

"Time to die Earl!" A voice shouted.

Vincent looked at the figure and smirked. "I knew you would come for me."


"No!" Rachel shouted as she came in front of Vincent taking the hit for him.

"RACHEL!!" Vincent shouted as he held the dying figure of his wife. "Why did you come? I told you to stay with the boys!"

"S-Sorry V...in...c...en....t." Rachel said before taking her last breath.

A tear went down Vincent's eyes as he kissed his wife on the lips for the last time before he too joined his wife in the afterlife.




With Reborn...

Reborn looked at Vincent, who was crying in his sleep. "Rachel... Ciel.... 'Ciel'.... forgive me."

Reborn frowned at the names. Who are they?

"Heheheh~!" a voice laughed creepily behind Reborn.

Reborn flinched and quickly turned around seeing the ex-reaper behind him.

"Are you a pedo signore hitman?" Undertaker said mischievously.

Reborn's eyes twitched. "Who're you calling a pedo?!"

Undertaker only smirked however he frowned when he heard Vincent talking in his sleep.

"Secret... Phantomhive...Earl...d-duty..."Vincent mumbled.

Reborn looked at Vincent again.

Undertaker's eyes widened and quickly put his hand on the Earl's mouth, silencing him from speaking the secrets. "Wake up, Vincent." he took his hand off

Vincent slowly opened his eyes and looked at Undertaker.

Vincent groaned. "What happened?"

"You let your guard down." Undertaker said.

Vincent's eyes widened and sighed. "Thank you, Adrian."

"Anytime. Have you taken it ?"

Vincent shook his head. "I forgot."

"Well, it's a good thing that I brought it with me. Hehehe." Undertaker said as he took out a vial of red liquid. "Here."

Vincent nodded and took the vial from the reaper's hand. Before Reborn could stop him, he drank the red liquid.

"What was that!" reborn growled.

Vincent looked at the Sun Arcobaleno coldly. "Nothing you need to worry about, Arcobaleno." 

Reborn bit his lip in frustration. Just how many secrets do you have Tsunayoshi Sawada if that really is your name?



Somewhere in France...

"Are you still alive? Earl Phantomhive...." A silky voice said.

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