Shallow heart.

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I have a shallow heart
and a robbed soul.
Yes!, I have a shallow heart
and indeed an almost empty soul.

But I ain't praying for no one to save me,
or fill me up either.
Cos I know what I've been through.
Yeah! I know what I came out from.

Of what gain is it to have the most beautiful, amazing thing only to  have it stolen or robbed off you?
Of what gain is it to meet the most wonderful people only to get them snatched away?

All I'm trying to say is,
Of what gain is it to love if there's no guarantee of forever?

So you see,
I'm not praying  for anyone to save me.
I just wish the cold arms of emptiness would engulf itself around my being and fill up my heart.
So I wouldn't feel anything,
So I'd finally be numb.

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