Chapter Four

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Chapter Four
I stared up at a tree, not really knowing why I was looking at it. It's a large willow tree, enveloping me in it's branches. I looked around, trying to gouge where I might be. Nothing looks familiar.

I slowly walked out from under the willow tree into an open field. It's empty, except for a body far into the distance.

"Hello," I called out, hoping they would hear me. They didn't move, so I yelled louder. "Hello?!"

They aren't going to hear me. I have to get to them, though. They might be the only thing that can explain to me what is going on and where I am. I start to run in their direction. The faster I run, the farther they seem to be. This better not be one of those maze things where you can never reach the end.

I sighed and started to slow down. I'm never going to reach them. Then, another person appeared at the other end of the field. They are cloaked, and something deep inside of me is telling me that I don't want to yell for this person. I can't just stand here, though.

I slowly walk forward, not knowing what else to do. The cloaked person reached the body laying on the ground far before I did. They squatted down, saying something that I couldn't make out. I kept walking, realizing that the slower I move the more likely I am to actually reach the two people.

I started to get closer, finally able to make out some of the features of the cloaked figure. Their face is deathly pale, their eyes a bright red. As they opened their mouth to reveal fangs, I realized I might be in danger.

Instead of feeling fear, however, I felt anger. Anger for those that I lost to these monsters. Anger for what these monsters did to my sanity. Anger for a lot of things. I got ready to attack the monster as it brought those fangs to the body laying in the field.

With a sickening feeling, I realized what he was about to do. The fangs sunk into the person's body, and only then did they start to react. Their body thrashed, a small squeal escaping from their mouth. A distinctively female squeal.

An almost maternal instinct filled me as I began to pick up speed. This time, I was able to actually reach her. She had stopped thrashing, and the vampire was straddling her now. Probably to get a better angle on her neck.

Afraid I wouldn't be able to get him off her in time, I tried to use my powers to fling him off. The tingles didn't come, and he didnt move. Shit. I picked up speed and held my arms out, ready to fling him off her the second I was close enough. When I finally was, I reached out and stumbled as my body went through his like a ghost.

I gasped and leaned back, staring at my hands in confusion. What is happening?

I looked down at the girl helplessly, not knowing what to do. I can't just watch him suck her dry, but I can't intervene either. Finally, he released her neck and slowly got off of her. Once he was off, she rolled onto her stomach and moaned.

That's when I realized who it was. Caroline.

I gasped, and in that moment Saxon's father's laughter was heard. It was distant, but getting closer by the second.

I started looking around, my teeth grinding together. Where is he hiding?

Things started to shift then, as if the world was tilting. I shook my head, trying to shake myself from whatever trance I had to have been in. The tilting didn't stop, and my stomach started to sink. And then there was nothing.

I gasped and shot up, my heart racing out of my chest. I grabbed at the covers so that they could ground me. I looked around and tried to get my bearings. I'm back in my room. Light is shining through the window. It's morning. What the hell just happened?

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