Authors Note

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Hey guys!

I can't believe The Dark Prince is finished! Thank you all so much for joining me on this journey. Your support means the world to me. I genuinely don't know what I would do without you guys.

I started writing The Lost Princess when I was 12. It was horribly written. Horribly written. My old computer died and that was the end of that. Fast forward to when I was about 15/16 when I found a flash drive with the story on it. I cringed while reading it, but the idea was there and I was able to rewrite it into what it is today.

One day, I might show you guys some of the original content. The story was so different. First of all, I had Aiden die in the very beginning. He wasn't even going to be a character. Trust me, that wasn't a version you would want to read.

My point is that these books are very dear to my heart and have been for a very long time. Which leads me to the fact that I haven't been able to really focus on any other project in the past few years. I'm now 17 and as much as I love these books, I really want to work on another project.

The third and final book will be written. Don't worry about that. However, I have been focusing on the other project and haven't been able to begin writing the third book.

With the last two books I completely wrote and edited them before even beginning to post them. I'm thinking for the third book I will write it and post it as I go, that way you guys won't have to wait a super long time for it to be posted.

I don't know how frequent updates will be. It'll depend on how quickly I can write the third book. I just started a week ago and already have the first three chapters written. The first chapter will be posted on Friday. I will update every Friday with the chapters I have until I run out of prewritten chapters. After that, they will be posted as I write them.

On the bright side, I'm considering also posting this new project on wattpad once it's finished. It's very different from this one, but I think you guys would like it just as much. It's all about monsters, motherly love, and kickass main characters. It definitely won't disappoint.

I am so sorry that this third book isn't finished yet, and that updates will be slow. You guys will have to bare with the errors. The first two books went through a few drafts before they were posted. This one will be fresh. I just don't want to make you guys wait even longer. To make it up to you, I have a little surprise for you. I'm going to post a bonus chapter in another characters point of view!!!

You heard that right. You will read a completely new chapter in a point of view that is not Freya's. It bridges a little gap between book two and three, and I think you guys will really appreciate it.

The bonus chapter will be posted on Wednesday, so stay tuned for that!!

Once again, thank you guys so much for following me on this journey and I hope you guys are just as excited as I am for what is to come. Feel free to message me with any questions or even if you just want to talk! I'm a great listener :)

I love you guys so much and I'll see you soon!

-Xoxo, Gab :)

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