Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven
I paced around my room, my hand twitching. Why is it so hard to pick out an outfit? It shouldn't be this hard!

"You're causing a draft," Rowan joked.

I gasped, jumping slightly at his voice. I whirled around to see Rowan in my doorway, smirking at me. "You scared the shit out of me!"

Rowan laughed. "Why are you pacing?"

"I can't decide what to wear for tonight."

Rowan raised his eyebrows. Then he looked around my room, his eyes widening. Every piece of clothing in my closet is now currently on my floor in piles. You can barely even see the floor anymore.

"I see that," Rowan laughed.

"This is serious," I groaned as I plopped down onto my bed.

How am I supposed to know what to wear to such an important event for a kingdom I don't properly know yet? I don't know if I need to dress formal or in a costume or naked. I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of the entire kingdom.

"I had a feeling that you would freak out. Which is why I brought you this," Rowan informed me, pulling his arm out from behind his back to reveal one of the most beautiful dresses that I have ever seen. Though I did notice one thing.

"It's sheer," I blurted out.

Rowan shrugged. "It'll cover the important parts. It's the style for the autumnal equinox. We all dress like drunken sluts because its the last night we can wear revealing clothing before the weather gets too cold."

I laughed. "Fitting."

Rowan held the dress closer to me and raised his eyebrows, almost as a challenge. I snatched the dress out of his hands before I could change my mind.

"I'll see you in an hour to take you," Rowan informed me before he walked out.

He really thinks I'm going to be ready in an hour? Ha!


I stared at myself in the mirror as he knocked on my door exactly one hour later. Turns out, I was ready in an hour. I'm not sure how he knew I would be, but he did.

The dress is black, with a plunging neckline and very thin straps. It hugs my body tightly until about half way down my thigh, where a large slit opens up and allows the dress to billow out around my legs like a cape. There is dark, swirling designs covering the sheer fabric, and a dark design covering the important parts. Barely, but it does the job.

My hair is parted and swooped over to one side with the ends curled to perfection. My makeup is dark and smokey, as usual. I look pretty hot, if I do say so myself.

"If you're done admiring yourself in the mirror, maybe we could go," Rowan teased.

I slowly turned toward Rowan. I raised my eyes at his outfit choice, or lack thereof. He's wearing dark jeans, hung dangerously low on his hips. His shirt is more like a short sleeved jacket that doesn't cover his front at all. His feet are bare, which is surprising.

"Lucky for you, shoes are not required for this party."

I kicked off the heels I had originally picked for the outfit quicker than I've ever taken shoes off in my life. "Thank god."

Rowan grinned and held out an arm. "Shall we?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wouldn't us going arm in arm make the wrong impression?"

"What," Rowan questioned, letting out a small laugh.

A deep blush started to crawl up my cheeks. "I know in the fae realm going arm in arm means something really intimate."

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