Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven
Amilia lay curled up with Bruce, a content smile on her face. She's been sleeping for a few hours, and I haven't had the heart to wake her. She hasn't gone to see Cameron yet. She wanted to have a long conversation with me before she did. But before we could, she passed out.

I turned my attention back to the Friends episode I was currently watching and relaxed into my pillows. I don't know how Amilia's stay is going to go down. I don't know how long she will be here, or how she will be treated while she is here. I'm hoping everything will turn out amazing and her and Cameron will walk through sunshine and rainbows together, but life never seems to work out that way.

I just hope it works out between the two of them. It's clear that they are in love with each other. So why does Amilia keep pushing him away? I heard her stir, and Bruce started to stretch. I paused Friends and turned towards Amilia.

"Good morning sleepy head," I murmured.

Amilia groaned and stretched before slowly opening her eyes. "What time is it?"


"Am or pm," Amilia sighed.

"Pm," I laughed.

She nodded in response and stretched again. Her elbow popped as she did, and she sighed in relief. She slowly sat up and moved back so she could sit next to me. "I'm sorry I fell asleep. We have a lot to talk about."

"It's okay. You needed it."

Amilia nodded again before letting out a long drawn out sigh. "I found out I was part demon when I was 6, and my hair color started to turn brown."

I raised my eyebrows and gently touched her bright blonde hair.

"My mom took me to a fae who works with appearances. She was able to permanently turn my hair this pale blonde color. In reality, it's a very light brown. That day, my mom made me promise not to ever mention it to anyone. She was so scared that it scared me. I never told you because it was ingrained into my head not to. Honestly, it was ingrained into my head that it was bad. Which leads me to Cameron."

I waited as she took another long, shuddering breath and closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, there were tears there.

"I have had a crush on him since I was 11. I didn't find out that he was my mate until I was 15, when my mom met him for the first time. We had started dating when we were 13, but I was so scared that my family wouldn't approve so I never told them. When they finally did meet him, my mom sat me down and told me what mates were. That night, I broke up with Cameron. I knew that if anyone found out who he was with, he would be in as much trouble as me. I couldn't get him involved."

I wrapped an arm around Amilia as she talked. My heart broke for the girl. She has been carrying these secrets for so long. I can't even imagine being in love with someone and not being able to be with them. I feel like that is the worst kind of heartbreak.

"He didn't take it very well. We stopped talking altogether for a while. Then you came, and we were forced to acknowledge each other. And now every time we are in the same room together, he asks me why. I let him assume whatever he wants. He's better off hating me. At least that's what I thought. But it's been so many years and he still hasn't given up. I don't know what to do, Freya," Amilia's voice started to crack at the end.

I brought her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed. Her body shook, her tears leaking onto my shoulder. I just held her tighter and hoped the support was helping at least a little bit.

After a few minutes, I finally spoke up. "Do you want my advice?"

Amilia slowly looked up at me and nodded.

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