Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven
Rowan walked around the circle like a Sargent, explaining the plan for the third time. Mal, Aiden, Jeremy, Bret, Saxon, Dylan, Veronica, Jenna and I allowed him to explain it even though we all already knew the plan. If it makes him feel better to explain it multiple times, then so be it.

I tried not to think to much about it as he spoke. The more I think about it, the more scared I become. I can't afford to be terrified during this ambush. I can't be distracted. I wish we could just go now, get it over with. The waiting is the worst part.

"We leave in one hour," Rowan stated, finally stopping his pacing. "I advise you make the best of the time. Who knows what will happen tonight."

Everyone dispersed at his words. Everyone except Mal, Aiden and I.

"This is going to work, right," I questioned, biting my lip.

Rowan shrugged and cracked a half smile. "There's only one way to find out."

I shifted on my feet, not liking the answer. He didn't make me feel any better. If anything, that only made me feel worse. If Rowan thought this was going to work, he would say so. Avoiding the question was answer enough.

"They are going to be there," Mal nodded. "I can feel it. But there's something off. Not quite right. I have a bad feeling about this."

"We have no other choice," I sighed, running a frustrated hand through my hair. "If we don't go, then we are sitting ducks."

Mal nodded slowly. "I know. We have to go. But we need to be careful. My gut is never wrong."

"That's what I'm afraid of," I nodded grimly.

Aiden rolled his eyes, throwing his arms over our shoulders. "Stop being so grim. We know we will be able to ambush them. That's the whole goal. We should be celebrating, not sulking."

I laughed and shook my head. "I wouldn't go so far as celebrating."

"Aiden would take any chance to throw a party," Rowan smiled.

Aiden grinned wide. "That I would."


I sat in the bushes, trying not to shift on my feet. The last time we did this, I had no problem sitting still. This time feels different somehow. Maybe it's because I know that they will actually be here this time. Or maybe it's because of Mal's warning. Either way, my body will not stop fidgeting.

Are you doing okay, Rowan questioned from his bush a few feet from mine.

I'm fine. Just nervous.

It's only been five minutes, Rowan laughed.

I practically groaned at his words. We've only been sitting here for five minutes, and yet it felt like an eternity. We still have an hour before the normal time that they would appear. How am I going to last an hour sitting here if I can't even last five minutes?

I don't know what is wrong with me, I admitted. Something just feels wrong.

I know, Rowan sighed. I could hear the disdain in his voice. This is our only shot. If we fuck this up, I doubt we will get a second chance like this. We just have to give it our all and hope for the best.

That was very helpful, thank you. I couldn't help but laugh in his mind, despite myself.

It made you laugh. Seems to me like it did it's job.

I groaned. Shush, you're distracting me.

Good. I could practically hear the wink he sent my way after his words. Thankfully, he cut the connection off and allowed me to properly concentrate.

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