Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten
"How are you feeling," I questioned Cameron as I walked into his hospital room.

Cameron sat up slowly and smiled at me. When he responded, his voice was practically a whisper. "A lot better, actually. I think they are going to release me today. I'm sorry I haven't been a very good guard to you."

I rolled my eyes and plopped myself onto the edge of the bed. "Shut up. I'm just glad you're okay."

Cameron smiled. "I know, me too. Having Amilia around really helped, actually."

He motioned his head toward the chair next to him, where Amilia lay fast asleep. My heart panged at the sight of her, and at his words. Her being here helped because of the mating bond. And there is no way I will ever be able to lie to him.

"I'm glad she's here too. Makes this place feel more like home, you know?"

Cameron shrugged. "Honestly, this place isn't so bad. I almost like it here better."

I bit my lip. He laughed it off as a joke, but we both know there is a lot of truth to that statement.

"Good thing we will be here for another six months then. I can't wait for you to properly meet Aiden. I feel like you guys would get along so well."

Cameron shifted and nodded. "He doesn't seem to bad. And he makes you laugh, which makes him a winner in my book."

My whole body warmed at his words. I leaned over and wrapped myself around Cameron, burrowing my face into his chest. "I've missed you. You'll always be my number one boy."

I looked up at Cameron as he shifted again and winked. "You know it."

I leaned back against him and turned my attention to the tv. He had on Friends, which is perfect. I could use the laughs.

As we watched, I talked absentmindedly to Cameron. "Maybe when you get out of here, you can join Aiden and I. I guess we are going to work out in the mornings. I don't know when it will start. Aiden was way too hungover this morning to even get out of bed."

Cameron laughed. "That'd be great. I need to get my strength back up."

I nodded. "That's what I figured. You'll be so weak, I bet even I will do better than you."

Cameron laughed and shoved my shoulder lightly. "I wouldn't get too cocky. You're pretty weak. I could still beat you with the flu."

I gasped, pretending that his statement wasn't completely and utterly true. "That is very offensive."

Cameron poked my noodle arms and shook his head. "We'll work on it."

I can't wait for my body to start getting stronger. The idea of being able to actually take Cameron on in a fight makes my blood pump in excitement. I want to be able to prove to the world, and myself, that I could be something incredible.

I have amazing powers, but I don't know what to do with them. I have so much potential. It sounds cocky to say, but it's true. I just want to learn how to turn that potential into something amazing that I can use to protect those I love.

Amilia started stirring. She opened her eyes slowly, stretching as she did so. She startled when she saw me. "Oh, hi Freya! When did you get in here?"

I shrugged. "Not that long ago."

Amilia nodded and stretched again. Cameron and I scooted over, patting the spot next to us. She slowly got up and plopped down with us. There wasn't much room, so we were all practically on top of each other, but it was nice. To be with them, relaxing with them. It makes the scariness of the world seem less, somehow.

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