Chapter Five

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Chapter Five
Aiden told me he'd be picking me up at 8, so obviously I started getting ready at 4. It's a good thing I did, because finding an outfit to wear took forever. My closet is full of a lot of casual wear, with only a few fancier outfits. I'm assuming this isn't a super formal ball, but formal enough that it requires some form of looking nice.

I ended up deciding on a low cut, long sleeved dress that falls at my feet. It has a yellow flowery design that compliments my skin tone rather well. I decided to just french braid my hair to the side. I wasn't in the mood to do anything else. I also decided on light makeup. Honestly, finding my outfit took up way too much time for me to be able to do anything else.

As I did the finishing touches on my makeup, Aiden knocked on the door. Perfect timing. I quickly ran to the door and opened it. Aiden stood there, with his hands thrown casually into his jean pockets. He's wearing a black shirt that says "this is my party shirt" in bright lettering.

My heart dropped. Maybe this is more casual than I originally thought. When Aiden saw me, he instantly burst out laughing. "What are you wearing? Have you never been to a party before?"

My face heated up instantly. "I thought..."

"I know what you thought," Aiden gasped between laughs, balancing his hands on his knees. "Looks like the fae changed you more than I thought. Not everyone throws a ball every weekend."

I bit my lip and shifted on my feet. Aiden slowly stopped laughing and stood up, shaking his head at me. "Put something on similar to what you had on yesterday. Maybe add a leather jacket."

I nodded and motioned for him to come into the room. "This might take a while."

Aiden shrugged. "We've got time. It's never cool to be the first ones at the party anyways."

An hour later, my outfit was updated and my makeup was changed to a more sexy look. My hair was taken out of the braid and turned into loose curls. Once I was done, Aiden gave me a once over and nodded in approval.

"Much better."

Honestly, I agree. I'm much more comfortable in this than anything else. Aiden led us out of my room, down a flight of stairs, and out of the castle. He led us over to the garage that Rowan had shown me earlier, but this time his vehicle sat in the driveway.

In said driveway, sat a sleek motorcycle. I grinned at the thought of being able to ride on it. The last time I rode a motorcycle I was 15, and I stole it. But that's a story for another time. Aiden led me to the motorcycle and handed me a helmet. I looked at it and cringed.

"This is going to destroy my hair."

Aiden tilted his head and analyzed me for a moment before shaking his head with a grin. "Nope. It'll make it sexier."

I shrugged and threw the helmet over my head. Rather have bad hair than die in a crash. Aiden swung his leg over the bike and motioned for me to follow. I did, enjoying the thrum of the motorcycle underneath me. I cannot wait for this ride.

We were off before I knew it, riding down the street at top speed. I laughed aloud, my hair blowing in the wind. I leaned my head against Aiden's back, watching the lights from the town twinkle by. We road for about ten minutes before coming upon a house surrounded by cars.

My mouth dropped open at the college party vibe I was getting from this place. I was not expecting that at all. Aiden pulled up in a parking spot with his name colored into it, just barely big enough for his motorcycle. He must be a regular here.

He cut the engine and swung off before helping me get off. I slipped the helmet off my head and shook my hair out, scrunching up the curls. Aiden grinned in my direction. "I knew it."

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