Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen
I stared at the ceiling, thinking about what my mother said over and over again. The beginning of the end. How could this alliance mean the end? And the end of what?

I groaned and grabbed the pillow beside me, using it to muffle my scream of frustration. Why can't anyone be straight with me? What good is riddles going to do? We are in the middle of a war. Am I the only one who see's how dire that is?

I sighed and turned over to look at the clock. 5 am blared at me like a tumor. I guess I'm up for the day. Not that I slept much, if at all, last night. Who needs sleep, anyways?

When I sat up and my body protested, I remembered exactly why I need sleep.

I sighed. Now what? Now that the alliance is made, what do we do? How do we retaliate against the vampires?

I slowly stood up from the bed. I walked into my closet and grabbed the first thing I could find before throwing my hair up into a messy bun. It's going to be one of those days. Once I was as presentable as I was going to get, I left the mansion.

Once outside, I breathed in the fresh morning air and sighed in content. I looked out at the woods, and the barely lit sky. I gulped, but squared my shoulders and held my head high. I am a half fae, half demon princess. I think I can take on a serial killer. With that reassurance in mind, I made my way through the woods.

Just the prospect of being in there alone added goosebumps on every inch of my body. Before long I was running, and didn't stop until I had the woods far behind me. I made my way to the infirmary rather quickly after that. I'm sure Cameron and Amilia are dead asleep, but I have to see them. 

The front desk person smiled at me as I passed, not even bothering to give me a visitors pass. I slowed down after that, not wanting to disturb any of the patients who would probably be sleeping at this ungodly hour. Once I got to Cameron's room, I took a deep breath. I don't know if Cameron will be better, and if he may be changed. I need to be prepared for anything.

Once I had collected myself enough, I walked in. Amilia lay fast asleep next to Cameron. She was snuggled up to his side, a content smile on her face. Cameron was wide awake, however, staring intently at the ceiling. He didn't look away or acknowledge me at all as I entered.

I walked over by him hesitantly, slowly plopping myself in a chair beside him. Only then did he acknowledge me. His eyes met mine, and I let out a sigh of relief. They are dull and sad, but the same beautiful blue color. A part of me expected beady red eyes to meet my stare.

"How are you," I murmured.

"How do you think I am," he growled, laughing humorlessly.

I bit my lip, analyzing him. Every part of him is still intact and unchanged. He's still Cameron.

"Are you," I trailed off, not sure how to ask.

"A vampire," Cameron finished the sentence for me, but not as a question. More as a statement. "I can't sleep."

I nodded. "Me neither."

Cameron shook his head, frustrated. "No, you don't understand. I can't sleep. Even if I wanted to. I physically cannot sleep. I never knew that rumor was true about vampires."

My heart broke at the frustration in his voice. I don't know how he is going to get through this. His whole life is changing, being ripped from him. He has to learn how to become a whole other person. Now that I think about it, it sounds rather familiar.

"I'm so sorry Cameron. I am so so sorry," I murmured.

My eyes began to water, and I cursed myself for being so emotional. He needs me to be strong right now.

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