Chapter 40 - Six abdominal cubes... are they cuter than four?

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Zhang Lingyi spent two days inside the house, and all this time only Wang Guangning was engaged in cooking. And though he could not become a master of cooking, Lingyi was happy to spin around him every evening in the kitchen, prompting, teaching, teasing, touching...

At last on the third day he came to work. And immediately, when manager Zhang entered his office, Xia Yingchu handed him the plan of Huidi's anniversary celebration and list of invited persons. He promptly ran his eyes through the list – yes, the name of Wang Guangning was included.

Zhang Lingyi quickly signed the project, and then sent sms to Wang Guangning: "Shusha (it is spelling of my Russian nomination of Chinese term "shou-shou"- my readers are used to see it in such lettering), tonight I am going to cook myself, what would you like to eat?"

The answer arrived at the same minute:

"The more expensively - the better! PS. Also do not dare to distract me within my working hours, I am a person of business!"

Zhang Lingyi only creaked his teeth in indignation!

And what did he want to tell me? That I am an idler, who is scribbling sms within working hours to any Tom, Dick or Harry?!

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And what did he want to tell me? That I am an idler, who is scribbling sms within working hours to any Tom, Dick or Harry?!

And our gentle Gong just got mad from this haughty neglect!

Guangning, though demanded to himself a piece of tranquility and autonomy but used it only for returning home a bit earlier. And even overdid it – when he entered their apartments, mister HR director was not observed within visibility limits yet.

So boooring...

Having discontentedly frowned and angrily having grinned over his own haste, Wang Guangning got his iPad, turned on TV in a drawing room and, having taken seat on a sofa, plunged into news.

He was so deeply occupied, that not at once reacted on a sudden phone call, echo of which rolled over the house.

Phone stood on a coffee table near the sofa, and the man lazily picked up a call. He hardly managed to open a mouth, as a sudden fall of the murmuring female voice fell upon him:

- Hallo, hallo, Lingyi, it's mom. I just heard, that you had a car accident, are you OK? How do you feel? What happened?!

The female voice bit into brains, causing insuperable desire to break the call. But she... she... ...

Is she Zhang Lingyi's mother?!?

All hairs on body of our dear Wang bristled for horror, and he uncertainly began bleating:

- I would like to apologize, aunty, but Lingyi has not returned yet. I am his new flatmate, Wang Guangning.

Voice in the receiver calmed down for some time in perplexity, but only to ask:

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