Chapter 44 - Do you know? - Grass mud horses REALLY exist!

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On the early Saturday morning the sleepy owl Wang Guangning was dragged by his fluffy feathers from a warm, cozy nest of blankets by a wild lark Zhang Lingyi

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On the early Saturday morning the sleepy owl Wang Guangning was dragged by his fluffy feathers from a warm, cozy nest of blankets by a wild lark Zhang Lingyi. His firm tone and radiant appearance returned this sleepy sufferer to the memorable times of the Great Gay Agreement.

After a hearty breakfast, following the instructions of his energetic partner, our handsome marketing director dived into the car and went to one of the local sightseeing - the city zoo.

This zoo was known to be very popular, especially among foreigners. Guangning himself once, within a distant school spring, visited it, but since then, fate has not brought him to this region. Feeling no particular inclination to observe miracle of wildlife, he was sure that he had long since left that sweet age when there could be found some beauty in visiting such places.

And now the devil brought him here again - and not just only visited, but on ... it's really scary to say ... on a date ... Guangning was amazed at himself.

They walked along a winding path, surrounded by cages in which hundreds of multicolored birds fluttered and chirped, and in this strange place he suddenly felt relaxed and calm, giggling in secret over his own embarrassment and over a proud view of his partner, busily stepping along.

He went slowly, allowing his dreams to carry him away into the distance, when suddenly a loud sound behind him made him flinch and jump on the spot.

Our businessmen turned around and saw a handful of college students who had got out on a wonderful Saturday afternoon for fresh air.

An energetic lady in a denim T-shirt, who heads a flock of boys and girls in a familiar uniform, banged loudly on the whole park:

- Dear students, the first part of our group day event is starting now - an independent walk through the zoo, when you can admire our wonderful animals and birds. Exactly an hour later, everyone gathers on the lawn by the lake in the center of the park - and then the second part of our Saturday event will begin - outdoor games in the open air. And now – DRRRRIFT APART!!

At the command of a loud organizer, a flock of students sprinkled like frightened sparrows.

Zhang Lingyi and Wang Guangning watched in silence as the swirling crowd of younger brothers from their alma mater briskly flowed past, and our partners were wondering, what mysterious goals were spinning in the heads of the organizers for this attack on poor wildlife?

Guangning recalled that in his university years they also had meetings on Saturdays, but they were usually dedicated to environmental protection - and within half-a-day students were gloomy wandering along the shores of Moon Lake, collecting rubbish heaped up by their mind-mates. Sometimes they were engaged in the patronage of lonely old people – that activity was reasonable at least.

Groups of noisy students - three or five in each - were scattering around and caused a headache for Guangning — they were gathered on this beautiful Saturday morning to participate in boring business, but in their young, wild heads only fun and lust for entertainment raged. It was quite understandable, that they, compelled by the teacher to suppress this last, became unmanageable, when were remaining on their own care.

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