Chapter 42 - Whether fishing is successful?

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When Guangning rushed out of a banqueting hall, Zhang Lingyi had already disappeared in a sunset.

Guangning run to doors of business center, jumped out on the street – looked to the right, to the left – familiar high figure was visible in nowhere.

Our marketing director had no other choice – he snatched out his phone and dialed Zhang Lingyi's number. Phone was ringing and ringing ... But, at last, the stubborn recipient picked up the call.

- Yes, - his deep, hoarse voice clearly sounded in Guangning's ear.

- Why have you left? Party is only on its middle.

- Is it important? – in forcedly indifferent voice of Linyi there was unsuccessfully hidden despair. – I am not a beautiful girl, who falls into strangers' hugs.

Ran Lingyi away because of being jealous about the girl? He was upset because of a summer rain (if you remember - in the last chapter the summer rain has been mentioned in accordance with Xia Yingchu) or the blossoming lilac?

Or our first Uni's handsome boy suddenly gave up to the ordinary girl by the name of Xia Yingchu?

- I suppose, you should return for the party to take care of this beauty? – the voice of the personnel director shook a little and was interrupted, full of venomous acid.

- What's the nonsense? – Guangning's heart burst of fire.

What this stubborn "highbrow" Gong means – that him, shou-shou, should be sent back to a party - and enjoy happiness with any stupid girl? This is our new lifestyle, really??

Enough! If your partner is in a stupor, it is no need to follow him!

- And where are you now? – politely, carefully hiding his rage, asked Guangning.

- Me? I am wandering in our most popular among tourists pedestrian street, near the International hotel's entrance, - Guanging heard some dissatisfied snorting in receiver. – What's for? Have you really decided to dump one lovely girlfriend alone on a ball?

It seems to me, or someone was going to swallow a lot of vinegar?

And whom he is jealous of? The girl to me? Or me to the girl?

Wan Guangning, inspired with these assumptions, quickly hung up, being going to catch his fugitive.

Going hastily to the mentioned place, he quietly giggled with himself – so funny, his severe gong turned into a nervous shou-shou and started to suffer with premature climacteric syndrome? Otherwise where is the original of these mollycoddle's claims?

The mentioned hotel was located near the business center, where they celebrated the anniversary of Huidi International.

Wang Guangning, running at full speed, arrived there just in five minutes. Arrived ... and saw his partner, leaning lonely against the streetlight opposite the hotel entrance, with a cigarette in his hands.

The evening street shone with lights, the idle life on it was bubbling - a merry crowd of tourists flowed, bright and informally dressed, past the young man. On this stage Lingyi seemed to be a lonely cliff, cutting through this noisy flow of people, who were bending around him and hurrying further, without any attention to him.

He stood - thin, refined, in a puritan black coat, so vividly contrasting with the cheerful and colorful crowd around, and among them seemed completely alien, strange, a stranger from another, sad and strict world.

He stood - thin, refined, in a puritan black coat, so vividly contrasting with the cheerful and colorful crowd around, and among them seemed completely alien, strange, a stranger from another, sad and strict world

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