Chapter 45 - different directors are so different ...

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My dear readers,
as you so persistently want to read up this story (and I understand you very much!)  - and as far as our Kiai, unfortunately, could not continue this work - I return to my promises and begin to issue next chapters of this brilliant tale.
I don't promise you to do it very often - but I shall try to finish this story together with Russian chapters.

Our beautiful boys fully deserve it! And you, our devoted readers, too.
Sincerely thank all of you, who by your warm words and kind support help me to return to this case. :)
Enjoy your reading!

Chapter 45 – different directors are so different ...

When our sweet couple left the hospitable walls of the zoo, it was already late afternoon. On the way, they entered a small shop located at a distance of one li (0.5 km) from the zoo, ate a cup of the famous wontons (Chinese dumplings) famous for the whole city, after which they were fed and satisfied and went home.

They almost arrived when Wang Guangning received a phone call - Sun Xiang, his old friend and a roommate in the hostel, reminded him of tomorrow's party in honor of the anniversary of ... Nsky University. After agreeable chuckling into the phone and disconnecting, Guangning asked, looking thoughtfully through the window of the car at the passing walls of their condominium:

- Hey, Zhang Lingyi, tomorrow is the anniversary celebration at the university - are you going to visit it?

- Yes, of course...

Lingyi, confidently holding his hand on the steering wheel, glanced suspiciously at the neighbor:

- Shou-shou, are you also going to a celebration tomorrow? Have you accepted the invitation? If yes, then let's go together.

Guangning thought for a second, not taking his eyes off the urban landscape behind the window - and nodded affirmatively:

- Why not...


The sixtieth anniversary of ... the University of Nsk city was celebrated magnificently, as an important event in the life of the whole city.

Driving up to their alma mater, the partners got stuck in a huge stopper and were forced to park their car very far from the main entrance, next to the buildings of the neighboring college. Leaving the car, they went to the Main building on foot, joining the tumultuous streams of a cheerful, lively crowd.

On the avenue leading to the main entrance, a lot of people were slowly moving. Some of them idly chanted, called to each other over the heads of other people around them, and then began to hurry, laughing and smiling, to join their former classmates, others froze in small groups to chat with friends, crowded around trays with souvenirs — memorable badges, postcards and flyers. Sellers of these trifles, taking advantage of temporary revival of public live in these academic, usually silent walls, briskly praised their simple goods.

Guangning walked thoughtfully, looking around, involuntarily remembering his hasty escape from these places long time ago - and the aching feeling of nostalgia for the long past, happy, carefree student days chilled through his chest. His eyes stopped here and there - on this corner he saw his deadly rival for the first time... and here they were walking after buying clothes for loving pair... behind that turn the path leading to the Moon Lake begins ... and behind that corner there is an alley leading to the library ... and over there the roof of the university cafe glitters, on the podium of which they played their fateful game with a memorable coin ... and there ... and there ... there was Zhang Lingyi under one umbrella with that girl... how many memories ... funny, sad, cute, heavy - different ... the eyes of Guangning were filled with tears, which our dear shou tried to wipe away unnoticed for his companion ... He went slowly step by step, pausing on his way near every roadside kiosk, as if after the party he was going to open the ragman's shop.

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