Chapter 47 - Dragon's rise and Phoenix' dance

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- What pleasant surprise! Who's made us happy with the visit? If you want, we could find some secure place to chat a little?

To tell, that Guangning was unpleasantly struck by this meeting with Luo Zihui – to tell nothing.

But as far as he was a real gentleman, he held the pleasant smile upon his face, accompanied with polite exclamation:

- Of course. Why not? But I only would not like to leave too far from this place. Let's take a walk in the next alley.

The girl shrugged shoulders and went nearby, carelessly shook a fine mass of her straight hair, which were laying in the art, well-arranged disorder on her shoulders, with blonde locks flashed in the twilight under light of streetlights, charming the people walking around:

- I did not expect that you will come to our meeting today.

- How could I miss so rare opportunity to meet the former fellow students? – the man with astonishment hitched up an abrupt eyebrow, not clearly understanding, what namely his charming interlocutor drives at.

- How could I miss so rare opportunity to meet the former fellow students? – the man with astonishment hitched up an abrupt eyebrow, not clearly understanding, what namely his charming interlocutor drives at

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- And I now together with Zhuo Ximing, - suddenly Luo Zihui changed a topic of their strange conversation.

Guangning, puzzled with unexpected jump of her thoughts, tried to refresh his memory – and a boring muzzle of the faculty computer genius emerged before his inner eye. Ah, with him. OK. Good guy!

But how it is related personally to him? Our hero vaguely suspected that he misses some important nuance in a conversation, and consequently he does not manage to reach true mutual understanding with his interlocutor in any way.

- My Ximing, maybe, is not too romantic, but he is very attentive to me! – feeling that Guangning does not understand, Luo Zihui raised the voice in which some impatience and the hidden claim began to sound. – Earlier I was eager to be near the person who was adored by me. But at last I understood, that if heart of your elected is not free, then your relations will bring no joy to either him, or you.

The girl suddenly stopped and, rising her head, directly and strictly looked in eyes of her high satellite:

- I suppose, you consider, that it was me, who was an initiator of our break with Zhang Linyi?

Guangning grew dumb with surprise. Frankly speaking, he never risked to ask his flatmate a question about him and Luo Zihui and what had happened between them four years ago.

 Frankly speaking, he never risked to ask his flatmate a question about him and Luo Zihui and what had happened between them four years ago

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