Episode 3-Question 3-BLACK VELVET vs TWICE

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"Welcome back to Celebrity Family Feud! Black Velvet and Twice are in a tie. The goal is 300 points so let's get on question three. Give me Joy, give Sharon, let's go!" Steve said.

Joy and Sharon came to the podium, exchanged high fives and exclaimed "Hwaiting!"

"All right ladies, here we go. Top seven answers on the board. We asked 100 husbands...name something you wish you had the nerve to tell your wife." Steve read the survey question.

Sharon pressed the buzzer first.

"Sharon." Steve pointed at her.

"Clothes are ugly." Sharon answered with a pout.

"Clothes are ugly." Steve repeated and the audience applauded.

"Honey, your clothes are ugly!" Steve called, making the audience laugh.

The answer "ugly/ho-ish clothes" flipped in the board as number six by 11 points. Everyone saw the second answer besides ugly, which shocked them then laughed out loud. The girls were even shocked as well.

"What?!" Sharon exclaimed.

"Is that even appropriate on national television?" Joy then laughed.

"Girl, that's even worse as beeyatchin'!" Jackson exclaimed; the audience and Steve cracked up even more.

"Beeyatchin' booty!" Steve exclaimed and everyone can't handle themselves from cracking up.

"Oh man, I better stop for now. I better stop." Steve puts himself together.


"Just go get a job." Joy answered; the audience applauded.

"Just go get a job!" Steve called and the answer flipped as number five by 13 points.

"Pass or play, Joy?"

Joy looked back at Black Velvet, motioning her to come and play.

"We're going to play, Steve." She told.

"They're going to play." Steve told Sharon; she nodded and walked to Twice to huddle for an answer to steal, while Joy walked back to Black Velvet with Steve. The girls gave Joy high fives.

"Good job, Joy." Katy said.

"Rose, name something you wish you had the nerve to tell your wife." Steve said.

"I'm hungry." She answered.

"Good answer, Rose!" The girls supported her answer, cheering and applauding along the audience.

"I'm hungry, I need food!" Steve called but the buzzer sounded, making the audience groan.

"It's okay, Rose, that was a good answer." Jennie said.

"I know right?" Steve said and he walked to Katy.

"Katy, name something you wish you had the nerve to tell your wife." Steve said.

"You're irritating." Katy answered.

"Good answer, Yeri!" The girls supported and cheered for Katy's answer.

"You're irritating me!" Steve called.

The answer "get lost/bye" flipped in the board as number four by 14 points. Everyone cheered and applauded while the girls gave high fives to Katy.

When Steve realized Lisa was next, he turned back from her making everybody laugh, including Lisa.


"Yes, Steve."

"Name something you wish you had the nerve to tell your wife."

"I'm horny as hell!" Lisa answered.

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