Episode 4-Question 2-Super Junior vs. Girls' Generation

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"Now let's move on to question 2! Give me Casey, give me Yuri, let's go!" Steve called as Casey and Yuri walked to the podium and exchanged high fives as they exclaimed, "Hwaiting!"

"It's your turn Jin." Steve told him as he gave Jin the survey card.

"Okay." Jin nervously chuckled.

"Don't worry man, I'm with you." Steve assured as he patted Jin on the back.

"All right, top 7 answers on the board. We asked 100 married men...In one word, describe your wife's personality using a weather condition." Jin read the survey question; Yuri pressed the buzzer faster than Casey.

"Doggone it!" Casey smacked the table; making everyone laugh out loud including Jin with his windshield wiper laugh, while Steve just wheezing out of laughter.

The rest of the Super Junior and Girls' Generation members just can't handle themselves cracking up at Casey with his extra self.

"Oh, man. Oh my..." Jin can't stop laughing, trying to catch his breath.

He sighed out, "Oh man, that was so good."

"Yuri pressed it first right?" Jin asked as he pointed at Yuri with the survey card.

"Yeah, I did." Yuri nodded.


"Hot!" Yuri answered enthusiastically.

"Girl, you know it!" Jin exclaimed and laughed with Yuri, exchanging high fives. 

"Hey, now!" Steve laughed as he gave a high five at Yuri as well.

The audience whooped and cheered loudly at Yuri as well as the rest of Girls Generation. 

"Good answer, Yuri!" The girls cheered, applauded and whooped for Yuri.

"Boys, better watch out because she's gonna make you feel like taking your clothes off!" Steve shouted and it made everyone crack up harder.

Some of them whooped and cheered of what Steve just said.

Jin just can't stop cracking up as he nearly walked out from the podium, but went back in position anyways. "Oh my gosh, you know what reminded me one of the dad jokes I made?"

"What is it?" Steve asked, about to laugh again.

"Educated people are hot because they got more degrees." Jin joked; everyone just cracked up again yet harder.

"Boy, that's a good joke, I love that." Steve laughed as he and Jin exchanged high fives. 

"Oh man. All right, let's see if it's up-no I bet it's up there." Jin said and everyone laughed.

"Hot like a scorching sun!" Jin called.

The answer flipped in the board as number one by 19 points. Everyone, including Girls Generation cheered for Yuri for topping that answer.

"We're going to play." Yuri told Jin.

"Let's go!" Jin exclaimed as he and Steve with Yuri to the girls' team, while Casey went back to the boys' team to huddle for an answer.

The girls cheered and whooped while giving Yuri high fives when Jin walked to Hyoyeon. 

"Hyoyeon, one of the dancing queens in Girls' Generation!" Jin exclaimed and everyone whooped and cheered while she chuckled, "Thank you." 

"Noona, you're ready?" Jin asked.

"I'm ready." Hyoyeon smiled.

"All right, here we go. We asked 100 married men...In one word, describe your wife's personality using a weather condition." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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