Chapter 1: Adria?

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(Parents and brothers aren't in this) Also not real ages

Christina: 23
Katherine: 21
Dani: 16

Okay you might be a little confused The Cimorelli parents died when Christina was 19 so she had to raise all of her siblings by herself now that all of them are older they all have their own houses besides Lauren and Dani. Christina lives with Nick and they look after Lauren and Dani. Amy and Lisa live in there own house together. Max and Katherine live in there own house as well.

~~Adria's POV ~~

"Yeah." I answer softly

"Are you actually gonna sit up in your room being useless or are you gonna come down for adoption day even tho nobody cares or just leave like you always do?" Mrs Lawerence yells at me through the door of my dusty old room.

I don't answer her instead I climb out the window down the fire escape and run, tears streaming down my face as I clutch on to my lightning bug pillow pet. I run for what feels like hours but has probably only been second because of my short legs. I turn around still crying and scared and stare at the building I call my home. After about 5 minutes I take off running again with my head down until I crash into a girl and fall into her arms crying.

"Heyyyy hey." The girl says.

"Calm down are you okay." She continues. I look up at her and shake my head as more tears fall. She grabs my hand and leads me to a bench while a guy follows us. She lifts me up and puts me on her lap.

"What's your name little one?" The girl ask me.

"I'm...Ugh......Um..Adria." I say very shyly. She giggles and I look down.

"Well Adria I'm Katherine and this is my boyfriend Maxwell." She tells me and points to the guy that was following us.

"How old are you Adria?" Katherine ask me. I put my hands up and show six on my fingers and blush a little.

"Aww your so adorable." Katherine says and I blush even more.

"Why are you running around on your own." Maxwell said.

"I live in an orphanage and everyone hates me there and I don't wanna be there anymore I wish someone would take me but I'm never there at adoption day." I say as I lay my head on Katherine's chest and suck my thumb.

~~Katherine POV~~
"Oh honey I'm sorry." I say to the little girl that just broke down on me. I've been with Max for almost 2 years and I'm positive he's the one so why not adopt this fragile girl that's sucking her thumb trying build up her walls again. I stand holding Adria in my arms.

"Max." I whisper in his ear so Adria doesn't hear.

"Yes Dear." He whispers back.

"Can we adopt her please, I know this is a big commitment but she needs to be saved from that horrible agency that treats her differently from the other kids and..."

"Kath I love you so much and I know this is a huge commitment but if it makes you happy then it makes me happy and Adria is so cute and adorable I would love to." Max's cuts me off.

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