Chapter 5: Feelings

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Max's POV
I wake up to the sound of my alarm and quickly shut it off.

"Ugh I hate that sound so much. I whisper to myself.

"Baby what did it do to you." Katherine laughs and I give her a fake glare. Today is a big day. We gotta take the girls and get them some clothes but also sign them up for school which means they need backpacks and Kath and I were deciding that we're gonna give Aiden a phone. Ofc we're great parents so well put a tracking app on there.

"Come on babe get up I'll go wake the girls and get Adria ready while you do your stuff." Katherine says

"Whyyyy." I groan as Katherine finishes getting ready.

"I swear to god if you don't get out of bed soon I will leave with out you." I laugh at Katherine trying to sound mean.

"Woah now babe don't do that." I say still laughing. Katherine walks out of the door glaring at me.

Katherine's POV
After I left Max in the room I went to Aidens room to wake her up.

"Aidy baby wake up hun." I shake her a little.

"Aiden babe wake up." I shake her harder but, she's still not awake. I thought she was a light sleeper but I guess not.

"Aiden wake up please." I shake her even more and turn on the light.

"Mmm...Go away....I'm trying to sleep." Aiden stirs. Why is she so tired.

"Aiden baby sit up." I say not giving her a choice and sitting her up.

"Mommm...why'd you do that." Aiden groans fluttering her eyes open.

"Because we have a big day ahead of us and you need to get ready...Why are you so tired baby you passed out in my arms at like 8 o'clock last night. I ask and Aiden tenses a little.

"Babygirl what's wrong?" I push and sit next to her on the bed.

"No...Noth...Nothing." She says.

"Aiden." I push even more

"Fine......I...Um woke up at like 12:00 and didn't go to sleep till like 30 minutes ago." She sighs and rest her head on my shoulder.

"Baby can you tell me why you woke up and couldn't fall back asleep till 8:30 in the morning?" I ask. Aiden shakes her head no and sighs again.

"It's okay baby but, get ready and you can sleep in the car if you want." I say as I stand up to go get Adria. As I walk down the hallway to get Adria I check in our room to see if Max is up and he is which is good on his part.

"Hey bug wake up." I whisper and brush the hair out of her eyes. She instantly opens her sparkling blue eyes.

"Mommy?" She questions while bringing her hands up to rub her eyes in an adorable way.

"Come on baby." I whisper as a reach my arms out for her to climb in. She gladly excepts and rest her head on my shoulder. I let her daze in and out of consciousness while I get some clothes on her and carry her back with me to Aidens room.

"Hey hun, you ready." I say walking in Aidens room and see her sitting on her bed ready to go, fading in and out of sleep. When I was about to pick her up Max's comes in and takes Adria from me and I pick up Aiden.

Aiden's POV
I wake up finding myself in a car with my little sister sleeping next to me. As I look up I meet eyes with my mom.

"Hey babygirl how was your nap?" Mom asks

"Good." I mumble. I can't tell her about my dreams I have from what the other girls did to me at the orphanage. Let's just say nobody cared for me there and I got picked on a lot. It really sucked.

"Aiden." I get knocked out of my thoughts by Dad.

"We've been calling you name for like 5 minutes are you okay hun." He continues

"Umm...Ye...Yeah. I say as I panic a little. Mom grabs my hand and I flinch a little but ease into to it. We first walk into Forever 21 but I don't really like the clothes in here I prefer black.

"Mom." I say looking down

"What baby you okay." She replies

"Umm...I like black and jeans and I want some beanies and snap backs too and high tops pleaaassseeeee. I beg. She laughs and nods her head.

"I'm getting you at least a little color in your life babe okay." Mom says and I nod. After we shop for clothes we start searching for school stuff and I get anxious. I don't wanna go to school I know I'll get bullied for being the new kids it happens all the time and I for being so small. At my old school I got called anorexic and it sucks.

"Babygirl everything good?" Dad question. I nodded as we walked to five below to get some school supplies mostly for Adria because she's younger all I need is a couple composition notebooks, pens, pencils,and folders.


Katherine's POV
"Aiden wake up." I shake Aiden for like the 10th time. I need to figure out whats wrong with her.

"Fine mom." Aiden instantly wakes up grouchy. I walk over to the table with her trailing behind.

"Aid come sit over here and talk with me babe okay." I say. Aiden nods and sits next to me laying her head down on the table. She also sighs.

"What's wrong babygirl?" I ask

"My dream...I." Aiden trails

"Aiden." I push her to go farther

"I just don't want it to be like my last school, kids were so mean and I got called anorexic and people made fun of me because I was shy and quiet and I let people push me around." Aiden says crying audible above a whisper. My heart breaks I'm sure she'll be fine tho because Dani and Lauren go to that school to and they are sophomores while Aiden will be a freshman .

"Hun everything will be okay and if someone is bugging you or something you can tell Laur or Dan or even teachers or parents. Anyone that's is older than you." I say and embrace the upset teen in my arms. After a little while I hear quiet snores coming from below me I pick up Aiden and take her to her bed. She's gonna need all the sleep she can get she has school tomorrow.

I get a text from the GC

Christina: You guys wanna come over for dinner. Dinner at 6:00 come before to hang out.

Lisa: Yep Amy and I will be there.

Me: Umm...Yeah But I want Aiden to get as much sleep as she can so don't wake her up when we get there.

Christina: Okay great see you soon. -XOXO

"Max get Adria and get in the car I'll meet you there." I yell across the house.

"Okay." He yells back. He walks past me with Adria helping her get her shoes on. I walk up the stairs to Aiden stirring a little. I pick her up in a cradle position and walk her out the door only stoping to put her slides on. As I get into the car I look in the back and next to a sleeping Aiden is Adria who is playing on the IPAD. Love my family. I was just thinking and giggling to Max singing along to Disney songs with Adria eventually pulling into Christina's. Max and Adria get out quickly and run to the door. I slowly get out of the car and pick up Aiden in the back. Getting into the house I'm greeted by Christina who tells me I can put Aiden in her and Nicks bed but before I can even get there Dani comes running to me screaming and wakes up Aiden. Dani's eyes good wide as she sees Christina walking towards us after seeing what happened.

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