Chapter 13: The Whole Truth

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(Demi's POV)

"Aiden?!" I say opening my office door to see were she went. She was gone I assume she went to class. I call Mr. Wilson telling him to keep Aiden after class and that I would come In about ten minutes after.

"Miss. Lovato?" I was knocked out of my thoughts. Dani. I thought

"I think I saw Lauren and Aiden smoking weed behind the school." I sigh.

"Are you sure Dan you know this is your Sister and your cousin right?" Lisa told me Lauren and Dani considers Aiden each other's cousin cause their so close in age. She nods.

"I know but I don't want them to get hurt." I sigh again.

"Okay hun go back to class and don't mention anything to the both of them if you see them." She nods walking out. I continue to do work but take break for a second. I see something poking out of Aiden's bag. I walk over to it and see a journal. I know I shouldn't but I need answers. I didn't expect what hit me.

"I just let her be alone with her rapest longer than she wanted to be." I whisper to myself.

(Aiden's POV)

"Miss Cimorelli stay after class." Mr. Wilson called out. I groan I don't want him to hurt me again. I don't fight back weed makes me calm. I lay my head down and reach for my vape in my pocket slowly hiding it and hitting it a couple of times.

"Cimorelli head up now!" He screams. Eventually the bell rings and Lauren walks in.

"Well we'll well two cimorelli's here maybe I should get your sister Dani wouldn't that be fun." He laughs.

"Do-Dont Y-you touch her." Lauren squeaks while crying. He grabs both of us and straps us down. He switches back and fourth with us and all we do is squirm and cry.

"NAPD put your hands up Wilson." Police came in following Demi and Lisa they untie us both and I fall into Demi's body.

"It's okay Ladybug." I faintly hear from Lise. Is she okay I look up and see Ariel yelling on the other side of the tape. Demi tells the police to let her and Dani in. Ariel runs to me and hugs and kisses my head. I cry into her shoulder.

"It'll be okay love." She whispers I nuzzle my neck into her more. Eventually my mom walks and I run to her. She catches me while I ball my eyes out on her shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me this was happening love?" She whispers I shrug my shoulders gripping on to her tighter. I see Demi's arms wrapped around Lisa's wait while she's holding Lauren. I sigh.

(Demi's POV)

I know a lot just happened but I need to speak with Lauren, Aiden, Christina, and Katherine alone and it will break my heart.

"Oh Laur." Christina runs in picking her up and holding her tight. I turn Lisa around kissing her and hug her right. Her eyes widen but she snuggles closer to me anyways. Her family looks at us but smiles. I smile back. The girls stop crying and I look at them sympathetically.

"Christina and Katherine bring the girls I need to talk to you." We walk down to the office while Lisa stays with Dani and Ariel.

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