Chapter 17: Life itself

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(Lauren's POV)

It's been a month since I got caught and mom is finally letting me go out. Aiden never answered my question I asked but Aiden says she has a surprise for me tonight considering I've only been able to see her at school and a couple hours for dinner at each others houses.

~~~Beep Beep Beep~~~~

I hear Aiden's stupid horn go off and rush downstairs.

"Woah woah killer remember home or Katherine's house before midnight and I don't mean 11:59 and call me if you decide to stay their." I nod running out the door.

"FREEDOMMM" I yell running to Aiden's window.

"Let me Dwive pwease." I say in a baby voice knowing that Aiden can't resist. She rolls her eyes and gets in the passenger seat. I drive to sonic and we go in and sit down.

"What are we doing tonight!" I beg for the millionth time.

"Nothing Laur just wait and see." She smirks I lean over and kiss it off of her.

"Laur what if someone saw us you know our family likes coming here." She whispers.

(Adria's POV)

Auntie Lise and Dem Dem are taking me to sonic because I lovvvveeee sonic.

"Aunt Lisa is dat sissy's car." I ask and she nods. We walk inside and sit at a table. Demi and Lise were talking about something.

(Aiden's POV)

I peck Lauren one more time before we stop. I look up.

"Lauren omg." I choke on my drink.


"Love calm down what is it." I point to Lisa Adria and Demi. Lisa and Demi are looking at us with wide shocked faces while Adria is talking to them.

"I-Laur." She breaks down crying and I look back up at them. Lisa start walking to us.

"Ladybug?" Lauren slowly lifts her head up at the nickname.

"I'm not mad or upset at you guys plus you guys aren't even biologically family so it's fine." Lauren nods.

"How long have you two been...whatever this is?" I smile a little.

"At Adria's 7th birthday party." Lauren whispers. Lisa squeals.

"You owe me $100 Demetria Lovato." Lisa yells across Sonic. I shake my head.

"They bet on us!" Lauren groans.

"Anyways are you two dating or just friends with benefits." Lisa winks. Lauren groans more and I just laugh.

"Actually I never answered Lauren's question because we were interrupted-."

"Then answer it right now." Lauren perks up.

"Not now love." Lauren groans. Lisa and I both laugh.

"Woahh!" Lisa grabs my arm leading me into the bathroom.

"You've got something planned tonight don't you." The dark haired girl smirks. I nod.

"It better be good because Laur over there has probably been upset for weeks because she never got an answer and barley got to see you so better be good Aiden!"

"Yes ma'am." I salute. She pushes me out and back towards Lauren.

"We can go now bubs but I'm driving because you don't know where to go."

"Ugh but you're bad at driving." She groans.

"You've never been with me when I drove remember someone was grounded for a month when I got my license."

Life Itself: Cimorelli story Where stories live. Discover now