Chapter 7: First Day

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Katherine's POV
Today is Aiden and Adria's first day of school. Aiden's first year of high school and Adria's first year of school.

"Aiden baby wake up time for school." I laugh and Aiden groans.

"Why mom please don't make me go." She begs giving me a sad look.

" go for this week and if anything happens that you don't like and I think its a good enough reason I'll start homeschooling you okay." I say and Aiden nods her head slowly waking up fully.

"Thank you, your dad is downstairs making breakfast so get ready and go eat." I walk out of Aiden's room and into Adria's room. Her school starts a little later but, I'm taking her when I take Aiden so.

"Hey bug wake up." I lift Adria into my arms and she snuggles into my shoulder.

"Buggy you have school you need to wake up and get ready." I say as I slowly drop Adria to the ground. She also groans like Aiden. I help Adria change into some jeans and a sweatshirt with a little beanie to top it off. I walk into Aiden's room to make sure she's up and ready which thankfully she is.

"Hey" I say as I give max a hug and a kiss. I look over and Aiden's laying her head down on the table still in her pajamas with a full plate of food.

"Hey babe GoodMorning" Max replies kissing me back and Adria's head. Adria giggles and reaches out for max. I go over to Aiden and rub her back. She's had it rough and I bet she probably didn't get much sleep last night.

"Baby...can you pls eat a little bit for me and then head upstairs and get ready." I whisper to Aiden and she nods her head softly. I continue rubbering her back as she eats. She Finally finishes and goes upstairs.

"Aiden your gonna be late on you first day!" I yell through out the house. We have to leave in 5 minutes and Aiden is not ready yet

"Aiden hurry up!" I continue

"Aiden NOW!" I finally break we have to leave now and she is still not ready. All of a sudden she comes stomping down the stairs and slams the door walking out of the into the car. Idk who she thinks she is but she does not pay the bills to be slamming doors in my house. I pick up Adria and walk out too the car. Aiden was in the front looking at something out the window, tears streaming down her face.

"Aiden baby." I say rubbing her leg. She doesn't budge and continues to stare out the window. Maybe I'll let her be late on the first day at this rate we're going Adria's school we'll be starting soon.

We finally arrive at Adria's school. I look back and see Adria confused but also excited.

"Mommy?" Adria's says.

" this my school?" Adria continues.

"Yes it is baby." I reply. Aiden lifts her head up and looks at the school. She looks even more confused then Adria did but she lays her head back on the window.

"Alright come on guys I have to sign you in bug." I say. We all get out of the car and walk into the school.

"Hey, you must be Mrs. Cimorelli." A middle age women says shaking my hand.

"And you cutie must be Adria." She's says reaching our for Adria's hand. We both laugh because Adria decided now she's gonna be shy and hide behind me.

"Come on Doll I'm gonna show you to your new class."She holds her hand for Adria to take. Adria who's hiding behind me holding my leg grabs on tighter if possible.

"Umm....excuse me but, what's your name." I take the subject off Adria for a sec.

"Oh I'm sorry dear, I'm mrs Crawford. I'm the assistant principle here at Nashville Elementary." She replies. I give her a small smile and whisper something into Adria's ear. She lets go of my hand and grabs mrs Crawford's hand.

"Alrighty then I gotta go drop off your sister bug but I love you and stay out of trouble okay." I say to Adria and kiss her head. She gives me a quick hug and I leave to drop Aiden off.

"Hey hun what's wrong." I start rubbing Aiden's leg again. She hasn't stopped crying and I don't want her to get sick.

"Breath babygirl...breath." I continue. She slowly complies and follows my breathing. After a few minutes we finally arrive at her school.

"Hey Mrs...Cimorelli right? "I'm Mrs. Lovato." Aiden's principle says shaking our hand.

"Yeah we talked on the phone yesterday and this is my daughter Aiden." I say. She nods.

"Well, Mrs. Cimorelli I assure you I can keep Aiden out of trouble while you have fun." Mrs. Lovato says.

"Thank you Mrs.Lovato." I say and turn towards Aiden.

"And you missy, behave and don't cause any trouble please. I kiss her head and walk out.

Sorry y'all this is kinda a filler chapter.

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