Chapter 3: Aiden?

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Max's POV
After I dropped Katherine and Adria off Nick looked at the time for the mall closing and it doesn't close till 10:00 tonight. So Nick and I are on our way there to get a brand new bed and some toys for Adria.

Nick's POV
I'm really proud of Katherine and Max stepping up to be parents. It's a tough job especially when you don't know the kid that well so you gotta figure them out. A car horn knocked me out of my thoughts also followed by Max's voice. We get out of the car and start searching for beds and toys after a little while we come to a bed with rails on the side.  But, Max's isn't sure and makes a quick phone call to Katherine while I make a phone call to Chris.

Max's POV
I called Katherine to find out what bed I should get her and to figure out what stuff she likes and to read me her file again so I know what to get and not hurt her or scare her.

Katherine's POV
Max called me and I called Adria away from everyone else and sat her on the island while I asked her questions.

"Alright bug I have some questions for you." I say and Adria giggles. She's so cute aaahhh.

"What's your favorite thing to do?" I ask

"Listen to music and listen to my big sister play guitar and occasionally she plays the piano she said when I get older I get to play too. She said she'll teach me." Adria says in one big breath. I gave her a confused look I didn't know she had a sister. I guess I'll ask her about it later.

"Umm...what's your favorite tv show or what do you like to play with or do babygirl besides music?" I continue

"My room never had tv so I would sneak into Aidens room and just watch what she was, it was scary a lot I didn't like it." Adria looks down and plays with her fingers.

"I like to read a lot and hug my pillow pet it's a lightning bug did you know that mommy." She continues and her face lights up

"Yes baby where do you think you got your nickname from silly goose." I say

"What toys do you play with baby?"

"Umm...Uhh...I like LEGOs and umm science toys and...and...." Adria breaks down crying and falls into my arms.

"Shhh bug everything's okay...babygirl look at me." I try to soothe her. She looks up and I wipe her tears with the pad of my thumbs.

"What's wrong babygirl?" I ask

"I had an art set once but this meany stole it and broke it. Aiden wasn't happy about that so she broke the girls nose and that's when they separated Aiden and I from each other even if it was a few doors down the hallway I wanted Aiden I needed her mommy. They hurt us." She breaks down crying again but not before she asked me a question.

"Mommy when are you gonna adopt Aiden too." Those 8 words hit me hard I didn't know she had a sister and I need to find her. I text Max everything Adria told me so he knew what to get her while I hopped in my car with Adria and drove to the orphanage I don't care what time it is I need my girls.

Aiden's POV
I sneak into Adria's room after everyone came down for dinner they don't care about Adria or me so we don't need to show up to anything they want everyone to show up too. I don't go to adoption day neither does Adria but, as I walked into her room I saw her favorite pillow and blanket were gone as well as her guitar that had famous singers names on it. I got that when I was super little when I went to a concert with my dad and mom like 2 years before Adria was born and so many famous people were there and they all signed a guitar for me. It has like Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Bruno Mars, Demi Lovato etc. I remember the exact moment I gave her the guitar her bright blue eyes sparkled and she jumped in my arms crying with joy. I need to find out what happened to her but in order to do that I have to talk to the mean lady who runs this place and I don't like talking to people especially her shes scary. I might seem tough but my anxiety can take over. But I have too in order to find Adria. I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the dining room area. Everyone stared at me and I was about to cry until someone burst through the doors with Adria.

"Adria?" I was shocked

"Aidyyy." Adria ran over to me.

"Hey, what are you doing I said never to come back with that worthless child." Ms. Gladys said.

"First of all Adria is not worthless second of all I would like to adopt her sister Aiden that you failed to mention to me." When that mystery girl said that I ran to her with Adria still in my arms and cried into her chest.

"I'm Katherine or mom whatever you wanna call me." The mystery girl whispered in my ear.

"T...Tha...Thanks." I stuttered Katherine just continued to rub my back and calm me down. Everything was fine until Ms. Gladys grabbed my wrist causing me to yelp in pain not only because it was so forceful but because I cut it and it hurt so bad. Katherine followed close behind into the room and signed the paper work. Ms. Gladys finally let go of me and pushed me towards Kath I tripped and slammed my wrist into the concrete floor I yelped again and started balling. Katherine picked me up and followed Adria to my room I may be 15 but I'm also like 5,1 and weigh like 75 pounds you can see my ribs which is not good same with Adria but she's only six she'll probably grow more now that we have a new home.

Katherine's POV
After that bitch threw my daughter across the room I was about to beat her but, I saw Aiden hurt and her wrist was bent the wrong way. I picked her up and followed Adria to Aiden's room when we walked in I was in aww. Like it was still small and rundown like Adria's room and not safe for a child but she had a wall of guitars and a keyboard piano in the corner of the room it was definitely bigger than Adria's most likely because they used to share it but they moved Adria into a corner. She also had a cool nightstand with nothing on it besides and empty water bottle but there were records in it. I started to carry out everything from her room which was just the guitars and piano I was about to grab the nightstand but she stopped me and walked me out of the room into the car. I was confused and she shook her head no. I took the hint and saw her reach for something but quickly pulled back and grabbed her wrist.

"Aid I'm taking you to the hospital okay babygirl." She nodded and tensed a little. On our way to the hospital I called max and explained everything that happened and told him to get a new bed for a 15 year old who is really into music. Welcome Aiden.

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