Chapter 2: Introducing

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Katherine's POV
I can't tell Christina what's going on. She will be so mad at me. Idk why I even listen to everyone. But I do and it's obviously affecting me and now I have to tell Christina.

"Katherine are you okay hun." Max's says outside the door.

"Uhh...yea...yeah can you get Adria ready where going over to Christina's house for a band meeting." I tell max.

"Are you sure your alright babe." Max continues

"Yeah please get her ready." I also continue

"Sure." Max says as he got farther away from the door. I turn on the faucet and splash water in my face and think for a few. I walk down stairs to see max there holding Adria in his arms.

"You ready hun." He ask me and I nod. I grab Adria out of his arms and walk out the door and put her in the back of the car. Max follows me.

~~~~~~Skip Car Ride~~~~~~

We approach Christina's house and I'm really nervous. What if she yells at me or tells everyone. What if she yells at me for adopting Adria.

"Katherine." Max says breaking me from my thought.

"Thanks babe, I'll tell Nick to meet you in the car." I say as I pick up a sleeping Adria from the back seat and walk into the house.

"Kath who's this." Christina says as she greets me at the door.

"This is Adria. Max and I adopted her after we found her crying on the street and I'm glad we saved her." Tears came down my cheeks Christina smiles and hugs me.

"Nick...Max is waiting for you in the car." I say as I pull away from Christina. Nick nods and walks out the door. Everyone else came into the room and asks the same question Christina did so I explain. Adria begins to wake up and looks at Lisa and holds her arms towards her. Lisa gladly excepts as Adria sucks on her thumb again and rest her head on Lisa's chest. Everyone leaves besides Christina to play with Adria.

"Kath you ready to talk." Christina asks. I tense up at her question and look down at the ground and shake my head no.

Christina's POV
"Come on Kath." I say and lead Katherine to my room.

"What's going on." I continue.

"I...Ugh...Nothing Chris I swear I'm fine I just lose track of time." Katherine Stutters.

"Kath I know when something is wrong with you, also the stuttering doesn't help your case." I say and Katherine looks down and I can see her holding back tears.

"I'm sorry. Katherine finally breaks down crying and launches herself at me.

"Kath look at me." I say and lift her chin up with my finger. Last time something like This happened was when hate comments got in the picture.

"Have you been reading the comments...and don't lie to me because I know what they say about you." I ask and Katherine nods yes. I try to calm her down as I embrace her into a hug.

Dani's POV
Kath And Christina are having their personal talk upstairs so the rest of us are playing with Adria and she's so cute.

"Where's mommy at I want her right now." Adria says on the verge of tears.

"Mommy's talking to Chrissy okay she'll be down in a minute then you can see her." Lisa said. Adria starts crying super hard and jumps off her lap and starts running upstairs but, Lauren catches her and holds her.

"MOMMY." Adria screams as Lauren tries to calm her down. All of a sudden Katherine rushes down the stairs and Lauren lets Adria go.

"Hey what's wrong babygirl." Kath asks picking up Adria.

"I wanted you mommy, I want daddy too." Adria says.

"Where's Daddy." She continues

"Baby daddy is with Uncle Nick. Mommy, Dani, Lauren, Chris, Amy, and Lise are in a band and we gotta practice." Katherine said.

Katherine's POV

Chris and I were talking about how I can handle this and not have a relapse from last time with not eating and stuff when I hear Adria screaming for me down stairs. We walk down stairs and I catch a running kid in my arms.


"Alright everyone know their harmonies?" Christina chirped.

"Yeah" We all said in unison.

"Alright let's get started then." Christina continues.

"Hey I'm Christina"
"I'm Katherine"
"I'm Lisa"
"I'm Am..."
"Ooooooooohhhh I wanna say my name." Adria runs from some toys and jumps in my lap and shuffles around to face the camera.

"Hewo me Adria and I...this many and I wive in...I don't know but Hii." Adria starts saying and waving to the camera as everyone around us laughs.

"Bug don't tell people information about yourself." I said. Adria look at Christina and opened her arms toward her. Christina grabbed her from my arms.

"Heyyyy mommy I wanna be in the video with you." Adria said. I turn to look at Adria and then Christina.

"Maybe this can be a introducing Adria video Chris. I say And Christina nods and looks at Adria shaking her head yes.

"Alright bug you know when to say your name so don't mess this up okay." I say as Adria nods her head wildly. Flailing her self out of Chrissy's arms and back into mine. Everyone laughs at the adorable child I get to call mine.

"Hey I'm Christina"
"Im Katherine"
"I'm Lisa"
"I'm Amy"
"I'm Lauren"
"I'm Dani"
"Heyyyy Heheh I'm Adria"
And we're Cimorelli. Everyone says in unison while laughing at Adria saying her name.

"Well as you all know there's an adorable little kid in Katherine's arms." Lisa says.

"Well she is Katherine's daughter now." Christina says.

"I...Um yeah so she's my daughter now." I say as I begin to tell the story of how Adria became my daughter.

"Aaaannnnndddd uploaded." Dani says. After a few minutes my phone started blowing up with so many questions and congratulations.

I look down in my arms a see little girl snuggled into my chest sleeping and holding on my arm like a teddy bear. Welcome home babygirl. I think in my head.

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