Chapter 11: Ariel

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(Aiden's POV)
"What did you just say short stack." Mya turns away from me.

"I said leave her the fuck alone. All you guys do is cause trouble and unless you want me to tell the principal I suggest you two walk away now." Ariel said walking closer.

"Whatever come on." Mya scoffs with Maria following.

"You okay Aiden?" Ariel asks helping me up. I fall into her.

"Ye-Yeah." I whisper. Really Aiden not the time to be shy. I think to myself.

"Let's go to the bathroom Love." She says grabbing my hand and leading me their. A spark shot through my arm. Woah.

"Please don't tell principal Lovato, she's dating my aunt." I beg.

"I won't I do have one question tho." She smiles.
It's so cute.

"Is it true what they said about your major crush on me?" I start blushing and look down nodding.

"Aww your too cute Aiden but, I also have a crush on you." She whispers. I don't think my head ever jolted up so fast.

"What did you just say Ariel Thomas." I shout surprised.

"I like you Aiden Cimorelli." She says walking closer to me. I gulp.

"Really your not just saying that. What if you just feel bad for me. So your making me th-." I got cut off by a soft pair of lips. I lean in but eventually air was calling.

"Omg that was amazing!" I yell. Ariel chuckles.

"Will you be my girlfriend Lovie." Ariel continues.

"Yes, Yes, Yes!" I scream even more. I lean in for another kiss.

"What is all that yell-...Aiden?" I jump and look at the door. Oh no.

"Demi please don't be mad." I beg.

"Babygirl I'm not mad...I'm actually happy for you considering everything that has been going on." She laughs.

"Oh." I whisper.

"But you both need to get to class." She continues.

"Ugh." We both groan slowly walking to class hand in hand.

I run upstairs and start writing in my journal about Mr. Wilson. And now I have to show mom the detention slip I got for a week.

"Aiden!" I hear mom yell from downstairs. I start writing about Ariel before she comes up.

"Hey babygirl did you hear me calling you?" I shake my head no and shrug my shoulders.

"Well come downstairs your dad and I want to talk to you guys." I nod and follow her downstairs. I slowly put the slip in my pocket.

"Alright guys I know we haven't spent much time with you both since school and things started to get back to somewhat normal." Dad starts off.

"And we're sorry for that. Everyone has just been busy especially with all the work meetings we've been having." He continues.

"So we decided that we are going to take you guys to Disney World!" Mom finishes.

"OMG Mom...Dad thank you, thank you, thank you!" I shout lunging at them. I look at Adria and she looks so confused.

"It's a good thing buggy." I say lifting her up. She starts clapping. Everyone starts giggling. Then I remembered.

"Umm I-Ugh dad can you take Adria upstairs so I can talk to mom alone?" I say barley audible. He nods grabbing Adria and leading her to the stairs.

"Hey babygirl you Alright?" Mom asks.

"Yeah I wasn't my fault, he kept yelling at me and I left it alone and then I snapped I couldn't pay attention I'm sorry." I pulled the detention out of my pocket and break down crying.

"Aiden?" Mom whispers.

"I'm not mad but, you need to learn to control your anger. Also bubs what do you mean you can't focus?" She continues.

"I get distracted by everything and I can't pay attention to one specific thing." I whisper. Mom nods.

"Okay let me see what I can do." I nod and go back up stairs to text Ariel.

Ariel😍: Hey babes wyd?
Me: Sorry I didn't answer I was telling my mom about my Detention :/.
Ariel😍: Detention?
Me: Oh...yeah Mr. Wilson gave me a week worth of detentions because I was having trouble concentrating.
Ariel😍: can't stop thinking about me can you 😂😂❤️.
Me: Haha you wish ❤️😘.

"Aiden come here a second baby." I hear mom about.

Me: Hey babe I love to talk but my mom needs me ttyl ❤️.
Ariel😍: Ttyl 😘.

"Hey babygirl sit please." I see mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table.

"Are you guys punishing me I'm sorry I didn't mean it." I whisper.

"No ofc not Aiden but, you do have a doctors appointment too see why you can't concentrate." I nod and go back upstairs to sleep. Tomorrow is Saturday which means no school or Mr. Wilson. I sigh in relief and suddenly I feel sleep take over.

(Katherine's POV)
Aiden...Aiden baby wake up." I whisper. She stirs a little but remains still. I decided to let her sleep got a few more minutes and head to Adria's room.

"Hey buggy wake up." I gently shake her and I'm met with a pair of sparkling blues eyes.

"You wanna wake up sissy?" I whisper and she frantically nods getting up and running to Aiden's room.

"Adwen wat up? Adria pushes her a little. I giggle not correcting Adria on her pronunciation.

"What the fuck Adria, get OUT." Aiden says rolling over screaming into her pillow. Adria stands there shocked and then runs out of the room crying.

"AIDEN!" She looks up.

"I-I'm sorry." She burst into tears. I start rubbing her back.

"It's okay just get ready you have your appointment. I whisper.


We arrive and Aiden's breath hitches. I grab her and she eases up.

"Hi Cimorelli?" A tall lady questions I nod my head shaking her hand.

"I'm Morgan nice to meet you, now I hear Aiden here is having trouble concentrating and has lashing out problems." She says as I nod.

"WHAT! I don't lash out."

"Umm love you just did." I smirk she pouts a little.

"Well let's began shall we." We followed Morgan into a room.

"So Aiden how are you today." She shrugs.

"Okay lets go back to before and during the orphanage and then after that when Katherine and Max adopted you."

"I-Ugh was younger I remember my parents would h-hit me and said I was bad. I remember this one time dad came home drunk and...and I-Mom was sleeping. I left my cup of water on the table because I was still drinking it and Dad flipped out. He said I was worthless and irresponsible. Mom woke up to all the noise and started yelling at me. They then started beating me daily."

"Did you ever try to fight back?" Morgan asks.

"No...Well their was this one time. I got used to them beating me and I made a promise to myself. I needed to protect Adria. Dad and mom came home Angry and started beating me I then walked into our shared room and Adria was in the corner crying. I went to help her and Dad burst through the doors and grabbed Adria throwing her on the ground. I grabbed some things and threw them at him. Later on the cops came and we get out of their.

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