Chapter 4: Hospital Trip #1

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Aiden's POV
I knew as soon as Kath said she was gonna take me to the hospital she was gonna find out about my cutting and I was silently freaking out in the front seat. I might've been silent but I was shaking and anxious like crazy. I felt a hand on my leg.

"What's wrong babygirl?" Katherine asks me.

"Nothing...I'm just...Ugh...Very anxious." I tell her. She continues to calm me by rubbing her thumb back and forth on my hurt hand. I lean my head against the window and slowly drift into darkness.

Katherine's POV
I was rubbing Aiden's hand to calm her down but to also help it not hurt as much I don't know if it was working but she fell asleep as well as Adria in the backseat. I finally pulled into the hospital but before I woke Aiden up I pulled her sleeve up to see the swelling and I gasped when I saw lines and lines from cutting old and new. Hopefully with me that habit will change.

"Aiden baby wake up." I shake her shoulder a little. She groans a little but slowly wakes up. She's definitely a light sleeper unlike her sister. I eyed her wrist which made her look at it too she quickly reached to pull her sleeve down but I grab her good hand and shake my head no.

"Baby I get your life has been probably the lowest it will ever be but, if you ever feel lonely or if you need someone to talk to I'm here for you or any of your aunts or uncles or even any adult really but, promise you won't do it again. Your so worth it babygirl don't give up." I said as Aiden cries while nodding her head yes.

"I promise mommy." Aiden says. Aaaa she called me mommy. Aiden and I both get out of the car and I grab Adria from the back seat she stirs a little but nuzzles into my neck a little farther. I grab Aidens hand As we walk into the hospital. I walk up to the desk and explain what happened and they told us to wait and sit in the chairs but to also fill out paper work. A few minutes later I finish the paper work and we wait.


After like and hour someone walks out of the door.

"Aiden Cimorelli." A young women calls her name we both stand up and follow her to the room. Aiden Slowly and shyly hides behind me as we walk to the room.

" Alright by the looks of it it's broke and I assume you know about her cuts. The assistant tells/asks me. Aiden looks down and I shake my head yes as I place a hand on her back. Alright follow me to the X-Ray room to determine what is wrong the doctor said to Aiden directly. Aiden looks at me scared but I nod my head and she followed her into the X-Ray room. A few moments later they return and Aiden runs to me and sits on one side of my lap while I hold a sleeping child on my other side.

"Umm first of all Aiden I need you to sit up here so I can put a cast on you and she has a type of fracture called a Scaphoid fracture. Which is a break of the scaphoid bone. She needs to be in a cast for about 12 weeks. I nod.

"So Aiden what color do you want your cast to be?" The doctor asked Aiden and she instantly said red.
"What's your favorite superhero?" The doctor asked yet another question.

"Umm Spider-Man duh." Aiden replied back as I tried so hard to hold in my laugh.

"Well lucky for you we got a cool doctor in this building who does cool designs on cast and he can put Spider-Man on yours." The doctor continues as Aiden's eyes light up.

"Yessss yes please." Aiden screams the doctor nodded and got the other doctor to put spider man on her cast not gonna lie it looks so cool.

Max's POV
Nick and I just got to Christina and his house to hang out while I wait for Katherine to get back with Christina's truck I got some sick beds and toys and stuff for the kids. I'm so glad that we have officially two kids who both seem like very nice children and bonus they both like music I wonder if they like sports. Nick and I go into the living room and hang with the girls. It's Saturday which means tomorrow is a busy day because we have to sign the girls up for school and buy them some more things which is exciting.

Katherine's POV
I finally got to Christina's house and I walked through the door with still a sleeping Adria and a sleepy Aiden trailing behind me. Everyone was in the living room so I walk out there and hand Max Adria while I pick up Aiden as soon as her head hits my shoulder she's out.

"Aww there so cute. Christina and Lisa squeal. Everyone laughs.

"Did you say that she's 15." Christina wonders.

"Yeah." I say confused.

"She shouldn't be that small for a fifteen you old Kath." Christina say worriedly.

"Actually when we were at the hospital I mention it to the nurses and they said both of them will be really small but, they will eventually grow out to being taller and gain a little weight as long is they have 3 healthy Meals a day. Which relaxed me because these should not be showing this much or at all." I say and lift up Aiden's shirt and see her ribs all around.

"Alright well we should get going home." Max's announces and Lisa and Amy announce the same thing after us. As we got home max takes Adria to her room and I take Aiden to hers. We'll get the rest of the stuff tomorrow as long as there beds are set up and they have places to sleep. Aiden's bed is like a giant bed and Adria's bed is like a one person bed with rails on the side so she doesn't fall off. It didn't say anything in her file but Aiden told me Adria likes to role a lot and would almost ever night come into her room crying because she fell off her bed. She also told me the pain she suffered and felt in there. I feel so bad for both of my kids and hope they feel okay now that there with me.

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