Chapter 2

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The four Avengers found Happy in a parking lot two blocks away listening to Taylor Swift on his i-pod. When Steve opened the car door Happy frowned, "Is it just me or are you a heap shorter?"

Steve nodded, "It's not just you."

As the other three sweaty Avengers piled into Happy's Car he started to crack up, "Ok kids nice prank but I'm afraid to only one that looks like an Avengers is you." He said pointing at Steve clearly finding this hilarious.

"No, it iS Us," Tony said having another voice crack. "FOR FUCK SAKE!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME???"

"I think it's called puberty," Buck said sarcastically. Tony and Bucky gave each other death stares.

"Ok so you guys may not look like the Avengers, but you are most certainly acting like them right now," Happy was obviously confused. He was sitting in a car with four teenagers that were acting like the Natasha, Steve, Tony and Bucky but the only one that looked one of them was the kid pretending to be Steve.

"Happy it is us! Thanos time stoned us back to teenagers and then just ran away like a big purple baby!" Natasha was enraged. Her last memories of being a teenager were in Russia learning to be a spy. None of which were good memories.

Happy wasn't sure if he wanted to believe her but the story made sense. There were some large similarities between the four teens and the four Avengers. "Ok, I believe you. The story makes sense. I did see Thanos' ship fly over me. I'll take you to the Avengers facility."

The Avengers were overjoyed. None of them had enough energy to walk all the way back to the Avengers facility.

* * * * *

As Happy and the teenaged Avengers stepped off the elevator all the other Avengers were having a meeting in the living room about living arrangements after the team had got back together, they all turned their heads to look at the people Happy had bought home instead of the rest of the team. Vision started cracking up the computer in his head obviously telling him what had happened. He whispered into Wanda's ear and they were both rolling around on the floor while the other Avengers just stood there confused looking between the teens Happy had bought home and the two Avengers on the floor.

Eventually, Wanda stopped laughing for long enough to say, "The time stone... THERE TEENAGERS!!"

Most of the Avengers stood there confused. But eventually, some of them caught on to what Wanda had said, some of them joining Wanda and Vision on the floor others giving the four teens sympathetic looks.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Pepper shouted after finally working it out. "Is my fiancé a teenager?!"

The remaining Avengers all gasped. While the teens just stood there in shame not entirely sure what to say to the room full of laughing superheroes in pyjamas.

"Tony? If that is, you I think we may need to go on a break until our relationship is you know LEGAL."

Tony looked up from his feet giving pepper a worried look, "wHAt?" Tony got the feeling that these voice cracks would be a regular occurrence. "EVERY FRICKING TIME I OPEN MY MOUTH!!!!"

This made everyone crack up laughing even more.

* * * * *

At dinner when everyone had calmed down and were now sitting at the long table the where having a conversation about what they should do with the four teens when Rhodey asked," Have you asked Friday how old you are now?"

"No," Tony replied surprised he hadn't done that yet. "Hey, Friday, give us an age estimate."

"All of you are exactly fifteen years and four months old."

Stuck at FifteenWhere stories live. Discover now