A New friend

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At CCPD just before that faithful Day when the whole world went to shit.

Joe: Barr you got a sec?

Barry: Sure, Joe what's up?

Joe: There's someone I'd like you to meet

Just then a strange man walks  up to him holding out his hand waiting for Barry to introduce himself.

Barry: I-I'm sorry, who are you?

Stranger: I'm August Heart... Your partner? He said patiently waiting for Barry to shake his hand and introduce himself. 

Barry: M-My partner? Barry said completely shocked. He then looked at Joe hoping he could give him some answers.

Joe: He's a transfer from Keystone, and since you've been a little understaffed with Julian moving back to England I thought you could use an extra pair of hands. 

Barry: Right... Nice to meet you August, my names Bar- but before he could finish he hears a strange crackling noise, almost like lightning. He looks out the window to find that it is in fact lighting, but not just any lightning, Speed Force lightning. He then sees a small Breach like portal open up outside and a familiar figure step out of it.

Barry: Joe... I've got to go.

Joe: I'll come with, you'll need some backup  if anything goes wrong out there.

August: Me too

Barry: No... you're not properly trained it's too dangerous.  And with that he picks up his phone and calls more "backup". Caitlin get down to CCPD as fast as you can and bring the others. He then ends the call and heads outside.

Unbeknownst to him August completely disobeying Barry's orders headed outside.

Caitlin: I'm here, and I've brought Everyone. What's going on? All of the sudden orange lightning flashes right pass them.

Jay: I'll tell you what's going on.

Everyone altogether: Jay!

Jay: it's the Speed Force prison. It needs an occupant, when you freed me we emptied it. Without a prisoner-

Cisco: It goes unstable, and now it's bleeding energy onto our Earth.

Iris: Ok, so how do we stop this?

Barry: By giving it what it needs.

They all look at Barry. Iris and Caitlin were the first to speak up. What are You Crazy! You can't actually be thinking of giving yourself up to the Speed Force can you?

Barry: It's the only way Cait you know it is.

Iris: No, Barry I can't lose you like I lost Eddie.

Barry: I'm sorry but I have to do this. He then turns to the Speed Force projection of his mom.

Barry: Before I go, Can I at least say my goodbyes?

The Speed Force: You can but you must hurry.

But before any words can be said there's a loud Crack! And a flash of yellow lightning strikes the ground and a body drops to the floor.

Barry turns to see what it was and sees August's barley conscious body on the floor. He quickly runs over to him.

Barry: August!

August: Y-You're the Flash? August says weakly.

Barry: None of that matters now alright? You're going to be fine. I'm taking you to the hospital. And with that Barry quickly runs August to the hospital before returning to say his goodbyes.

Wally: Barry you can't go. Central City needs the flash.

Barry: And they'll have one he says hugging Wally. He then turns to Caitlin and leaves her with what she thought were his final words. Ronnie would be so Proud of you he says before giving her a hug as well. Finally he turns to Harry and shakes his hand. Mind sticking around? Anything for you he says. Iris then tries one last attempt to plead with Barry.

Iris: Barry, Wally and Jay said they were in hell!

The Speed Force: Barry isn't going to hell, but like all runners must he has reached his finish line. His race is over. 

Iris: You can't take him with you!

Barry: She's not taking me anywhere. I have to go!

Iris: Why- Why are you being punished?

Barry: This, all of this started with my mistake, with Flashpoint. This- This is my penance, my redemption. The Speed Force projection of Barry's mom then turns to him.

The Speed Force: My Beautiful boy, it's time to rest.

Barry then looks at Cisco and Gypsy. Don't mess it up with her ok? There all going to look to you now.

Cisco: I'm not a hero like you.

Barry: You've always been my hero. Barry says giving him a hug.

Joe: All this time trying to save Iris, you telling me we should've been trying to save you too?

Barry puts his arms around Joe. You did save me Joe. You took an Eleven year old boy with a broken heart and you gave him a home and so much love. No son ever felt more love from a father.

Joe: No father ever felt more proud of a son. Barry then hugs him.

The Speed Force: Barry, it's time.

Iris crying: Barry, It isn't fair.

Barry: I know.

Iris Crying: I'm ready to be iris west Allen

Barry: And you always will be. Or so he thought.

Barry: But you need to keep living your life, keep growing, keep loving, keep running. For me. Promise me you'll run iris?

Iris Crying: I- I promise. He then kisses her.

Barry: I have to go. He then takes his mom by the hand and walks into the Speed Force.

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