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Disclaimer: Some lines of dialogue as well as characters are from the snowbarry fan fiction Hybrid Son. All credit goes to Cait_Spade thank you and enjoy.

Barry: You're saying you're our daughter Nora?

Iris: From the Future? Iris added

But Before anyone can say a word a flash of white lightning appears in front of them and all they can see is a man with a red and white suit as well as an emblem similar to Barry's but it had  ice spikes protruding from it.

Barry: Who are you?! Barry asked noticing there was something familiar about the mysterious speedster.

Before responding the mysterious speedster vibrates his face and vocal cords, so as to not give his identity away.

Me? He asks in a sarcastic tone, I'm the fastest man alive! But you can call me Hybrid if you want, personally I don't care what you do, it doesn't really matter to me. He says with a smirk.

Barry: What do you want?!

Hybrid: To make her pay! He says motioning to Nora.

Barry: Why her? Barry asks curiously.

Hybrid: If you want to know that, you're gonna have to catch me!

Nora: Dad don't!

Barry: I'm sorry Nora, I have to do this.

Hybrid: Shall we? He says as both him and Barry's eyes spark with electricity, the two of them then get into a heated chase.

Nora: I can't let him do this alone! She says as she chases after them.

Iris: Nora! Iris says as she begins to cry, only for Wally to come over and comfort her.

Back with Barry and Hybrid, Nora was able to run to run so fast that she was able to reverse time so she could meet face to face with the mysterious speedster.

Nora: What do you want from me?, What did I do?

Hybrid: You know exactly what you did Nora! You ruined my life!

Nora: I'm sorry! She said, just don't hurt my dad!

Hybrid: Oh, I'm not going to hurt him, I'm going to hurt you! He said taking a step toward her. Before he could do anything a flash of blue and white lightning appears in between them.

Barry: Stay away from her!

Hybrid: I'm afraid I can't do that, he said shaking his head back and forth. So why don't you run along now Flash, I'm sure you have some saving to do. He then tries to take another step towards Nora, but Barry puts a hand on his chest stopping him.

Barry: Leave my Daughter alone!

Hybrid: Y-You know who she is? He asked completely shocked.

Barry: Of course I know who she is! Now who the hell are you?!

Hybrid: It doesn't matter, now I suggest you leave Flash because this, he said gesturing around them. This doesn't concern you, it's between me and Nora!

Barry: You're not laying a hand on my daughter, Because if you do, so help me god you'll wish you were dead!

Hybrid: Was that a threat Flash? Because if so you have no idea wha- he began to say before he was punched in the face making his head turn swiftly to the side. I don't want to fight you, he said pleading with him.

Barry: It's a little too late for that, he said throwing Hybrid into the side of a car, pieces of glass surrounded him as he tried to stand up, when he finally did all he could see was Nora just standing there innocently behind her Father, he could feel the anger rising inside of him as he wiped the blood off of his mouth, suddenly his eyes turned ice blue and his hair platinum blonde he screamed at Barry.

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