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Black Racer: Barry....

Barry: Wha? Who's there

Darkness is coming Barry. Be ready! And with that the mysterious voice in Barry's head was gone.

Barry: That was... weird. He then got ready and headed to his day job.

Later At CCPD

Captain Sing: Allen?

Barry: Yes Captain?

Captain Sing: We've got a new case, come take a look.

Captain Sing then takes him over to the security room.

Barry: So what're we looking at?

Captain Sing: A meta human criminal named Norvoc was attacked at a bar last night.

Barry: What?! By who?

Captain Sing: That's the thing. We don't know, thought you might recognize her.

Captain Sing then shows him the footage and what Barry sees shocks him. Caitlin turns into Killer Frost and slams Norvoc into a table and walks out.

Captain Sing: So any ideas?

Barry: No clue he lied. Sorry captain.

Captain Sing: It's alright Allen go home and be with your family. And with that he leaves the room.

What are you doing Cait? He says as he sees something out of the corner of his eye that catches his attention. Cicada! He then speeds off to the bar that Caitlin was last seen at.

Once he arrives he sees Killer Frost transform back into Caitlin.

Caitlin is that you?! He says with an unusual amount of concern in his voice.

B-Barry? She says crying as she walks over to him and gives him a hug which he gladly accepts.

Barry: I thought I lost you! He says crying

Cicada: Your about to! He then throws his dagger into Caitlin's back dropping her to the floor.

But before she can drop to the ground, Barry whooshes to her and catches her before she lands and sets her down gently.

Caitlin don't worry! It's going to be alright, I'll get you back to Star Labs. We can help you.

Caitlin: It's too late for me Barry

Barry: No! Don't say that your gonna be fine!

Caitlin then passes out and all Barry can hear is the hoarse breathing of Cicada. Then all of the sudden Barry's eyes spark up with blue electricity and he rushes towards Cicada.

He slams him into a generator. Which then causes cicada to get electrocuted and fall to the ground. Get up! Barry screams with venom in his voice. All the while his eyes still blazing with electricity.

Barry then picks up and slams him into a fence. This war between us? It ends now! He says as repeatedly hits him with speed punches. When he hears Joe on his earpiece.

Joe: Barry you gotta stop!, Barr! Don't kill him just bring him in.

It's at these words Barry regains his composure and knocks out Cicada.

Barry: Cisco!,Cisco are you there?!

Cisco: Yeah, what's up?

Barry: Caitlin's been injured I need you to get here.
Fast! A couple minutes later a breach opens up and Cisco steps out.

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