Tornado Twins

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Star Labs 2023

Cisco: Well if isn't my two favorite godchildren! Did
the Tornado Twins have a fun time patrolling the city?  

Nora: Why do you always have to come up with a name for everything uncle Cisco?

Henry: I don't know, I think it's kinda cool, he says with a smile.

Cisco: Finally! Someone get's it! He said beaming at Henry's comment. Now who wants to watch a movie with uncle Cisco?

Henry: I'd love to, but it's late and I got to get home before my mom starts to worry.

Me too, added Nora. 

Henry: Oh, Nora! Before I forget dad said Iris is staying late working on a story, so you'll have to stay at my house until she get's home. Is that okay?

Nora: Sure, sounds like fun! Nora said smiling. Truth be told she loved her half brother despite their family differences and so she would take any chance she could to hang out with him.

Cisco: Fine, let's all just leave uncle Cisco alone by himself with nothing to do! Cisco complained before fake crying. 

Henry: Don't worry you're our favorite uncle. He said with a wink  before he and Nora flashed out.

Later at the Allen residence

Henry: Mom I'm home! He said as he walked through the door. When there was no answer he decided to try again. Mom I'm home! After he still didn't hear an answer he decided to just walk further into the house, when he did he saw a mysterious figure in yellow holding a knife to his mothers back.

Henry: Mom! He said completely terrified.

Caitlin: H-Henry?

Henry: It's me mom, I'm here! He said on the verge of tears.

Barry: Let her go Thawne!

Reverse Flash: No, Not until I make you suffer!

Henry: I'm gonna kill you! He said as he prepared to run at Thawne only to be stopped by a sharp pain is his leg. Arghh! He said looking up to see who had shot him, it was none other than Malcolm Merlyn aka the Dark Archer.

Nora: Henry! Nora said as she ran over to her brother who fell over from the pain.

As if suddenly acknowledging her presence he looked at her.

Reverse Flash: Hello Nora, long time no see! He said in a mocking tone.

Barry: Don't you dare talk to my daughter! He said electricity sparking in his eyes, but before he could do anything he feels a sharp pain his leg as well and then... nothing.

Henry: Dad! He screams as he falls over, unconscious. What did you to him?!

Malcolm: Two words, tranq arrow. He says smiling.

Henry: You think this is funny?! He says as he pulls the arrow out of his leg and runs at Malcolm. But before he could do anything he hears someone cry out in agony and he looks over to see his mom falling to the ground, just before she lands he runs over catching her and sets her down gently, as he does so there's a flash of red lightning and both Thawne and Malcolm are gone.

Henry: Mom! I'm sorry, this is all my fault! I wasn't fast enough!

Caitlin: Henry, my beautiful boy. She says as she wipes his tears away. This is not your fault! There was no way you could've done anything. She says trying to reassure him.

Henry: I could've tried! He says crying even harder now.

Caitlin: None of that matters now. All that matters is that I love you! She manages to say before passing out.

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