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Hours Before Barry and Caitlin's eventful night in Vegas.

Wally: Sooo... what do we do now? Wally says scratching the back of his head.

Joe: We have to get him back.

Iris: But how dad? We betrayed him, I betrayed him.

Joe: I know Iris but there has to be a way.

Cisco: There is a way, we fight fire with fire.

The team look at him questioningly.

Cisco: His Doppelgänger. 

What do you mean? Wally says looking at him with a puzzled look on his face. 

Cisco: Think about it, the only person Barry will listen to right now is himself and Caitlin. So who better to make him listen to reason than himself.

Wally: That's... actually a good idea Cisco. 

Cisco: Of course it is, I'm the smart one remember? He says with a chuckle. 

Joe: Wait. Before we do this what earth are we getting Barry from?

Cisco: Earth 38.

Wally: Wait, I thought Kara's earth didn't have a flash?

Cisco: That's what I thought too, but then I did some digging and found out that her version of Barry goes under a different name.

Joe: And what's that?

Cisco: Bart Allen.

Iris: Just like when his memory was erased!

Cisco: Exactly! That's how I found out what his name was, and get this he doesn't go by the Flash either he goes by a new name. Impulse!

Joe: So, how exactly did you figure all this out? 

Cisco: Kara has a dossier on potential meta-human recruits for the Deo. I asked her if she could send me over a copy so I could confirm my suspicions and lo and behold I found out there was a hero in National City named Impulse but one day he just... vanished leaving no trace of him ever existing. 

Wally: That's why no one knows about the Flash on Earth 38, he was there just under a different name.

Joe: So where is he now?

Cisco: He's in the Quiver.

Wally: The what?

Cisco: The Quiver, It's basically Green Arrows 
version of the Bat-Cave. 

Iris: But why hide there?

Cisco: Are you kidding? It's the perfect hiding spot, underground, completely off the grid, not to mention it's been abandoned for years.

Joe: So how did you find it?

Cisco: I reprogrammed Sally the Satellite to track Barry's DNA throughout the multiverse, in fact that's how I managed to find out he even existed on this Earth in the first place.

Iris: Alright let's get to work.

Cisco: There is one more thing I have to tell you before we get started. 

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