First Day

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It was Henry Allen's first day at Central City High and he couldn't be more excited. He met a hot girl and had a Badass outfit, this day could not get any better.

Henry: Hurry up mom, I'm gonna be late!

Caitlin: Alright, Alright hold your horses, she said handing him his breakfast.

Henry looked at the clock and quickly scarfed down the mountain of food in front of him before preparing to say good buy to his parents.

Barry: Make me proud son, he said putting a hand on his shoulder.

Henry: What do you me- Oh! I get it, he said smirking at his dad.

Caitlin: Barry Allen! She said giving him a stern look.

Barry: What? Kids gotta be prepared. He said shrugging like it was no big deal.

Caitlin: That is not the type of thing  you should be saying to your son before his first of school! She says walking up to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Henry: Welp as much as I would love to sit here and listen to you to argue, I gotta run. Oh! And before I forget tell Nora if I win this bet she owes me some Big Belly Burger.

Barry/Caitlin: Bet? What bet? They ask but before the can get an answer Henry flashes out of the room.

Later at Central City High

Henry's walking down the hall when he sees Meena being escorted by some random girl, She was wearing a plaid skirt with black thigh high boots and a plain black t-shirt that made her look even hotter. He was about to go over and talk to her when he spotted a tall somewhat chubby man in black suit.

Henry: That must be the principal he thought.

Principal: Excuse me? Meena is it?

She nods her head in response.

Principal: Well perhaps Mrs Clark didn't tell you, but we have a dress code here in Central City High.

Meena: Lame and lamer? She said causing Henry to

Principal: You think that's funny Mr Allen? But before he could even respond Meena turns to him.

Meena: By the way I'm not changing.

Principal: Well perhaps you'd like to discuss your attitude in my office? He said grabbing her by the arm and leading her away.

But before they could do anything Henry stops them.

Henry: Excuse me Mr?

Principal: Gibbons, he replied flatly.

Gibbons, right. I think she looks really hot and I think your dress code... sucks. He said chuckling a tiny bit, I mean come on it's her first day and besides I don't you should be the one giving fashion tips, he said causing himself and everyone in the room to bust out laughing.

Principal: Tomorrow young lady, proper attire or your going straight home, he said storming off.

Meena: So is this an all new Henry or what? Cause you're not like like the one I met at the store At All she said emphasizing that last part.

Henry: That depends, do you like him? He says as he leans in for a kiss, but quickly breaks away when he hears the sound of someone being thrown against something and quickly looks up to see a kid being thrown against a locker.

Bully: Looks like you were born to take a beating!

Victim: Leave me alone Flash!

Flash: Make me! He says as he's about to go in for a punch when a voice stops him.

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