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My name is Iris west Allen and I was supposed to marry the fastest man alive. But six months ago he left. I promised him I'd run, so that's what I've been doing, running as fast as I can.

Wally: I can't find her Cisco.

A breach then opens

Cisco: Oh I got to work out more, she's really stepped up her game.

Joe: Then let's turn up ours. I don't have eyes on her, Iris?

Iris: Copy I'm on it. Looking... got her!

Wally: And? 

Iris: Duck!

Wally: I don't see no duck.

Peek a boo then teleports behind them and knocks them down to the ground.

Peek a boo: Peek a boo! Final warning boys stay back. She then teleports away.

Wally and Cisco slowly get up.

Wally: Oh! She meant the other duck.

Cisco: Yeah, I can't believe you actually thought she meant a duck, duck.

Joe then rounds the corner.

Joe: Where is she iris?

Iris: She's headed for the Keystone Bridge if she gets out of the city will lose her for good. You have to stop her now!

Wally: Oh I'm a catch her this time.

Wally then speeds off.

Cisco: Sigh oh I hate teleporters.

Wally chases her from rooftop to roof top until Iris finally comes up with a plan.

Iris: Three,Three,Three she whispers to herself. She jumps to every third rooftop! Cisco she's going to jump to the broom tower when she lands stop her.

Cisco: On it.

Iris: Dad meet them at the bottom

Joe: Copy.

Iris: Wally?

Wally: I know what to do.

Cisco then opens a breach to the broom tower.

He watches as Wally chases Peek a Boo from rooftop to rooftop.

Cisco: Come on he whispers.

Peek a Boo then teleports to the Broom tower.

Cisco: Peek a Boo ya! He then shoots a vibe blast at her suspending her in the air while Wally tackles her through it bringing them back to the ground. Unfortunately Wally wasn't able to hold on to Shauna and eventually lost his grip causing them all to tumble out of the breach.

Peek a Boo then aims to guns at both Cisco and Wally.

Peek a Boo: Dead bang fellas.

Joe then shoots her with a stun gun knocking her out.

Cisco: We got her.  And with that Joe, Cisco, and Wally all return to Star Labs.

Cisco: I'm so proud of us, that was a good hustle out their team vibe.

Wally: Actually it's team kid flash, but thank you.

Iris: Ok... not your finest hour gentlemen,

Joe: What're you looking at me for? I was the one
who put her down.

Cisco: Yeah and Wally and I helped him out with the assist. Classic maneuver.

Wally: Yeah it actually went exactly as we planned.

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