A fun night out

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Barry was training in the Cortex when he hears a familiar voice.

Ralph: Hey rookie.

Barry: Ralph! Aw man it's good to see you! He says giving Ralph a hug. How was vacation?

Ralph: Pretty good. But that's not why I'm here, I
heard what happened with August... I'm sorry.

Barry: Don't worry, it's fine. He says with visible anger and sadness on his face.

Ralph: Well I know how to make you feel better.

At this Barry couldn't help but laugh. Oh really... and how is that?

Ralph: By going to a club.

Barry: A club?

Ralph: Yeah. You, me, Caitlin and Iris.

Hearing those two names made Barry freeze remembering what happened yesterday.

I'm not sure that's a good idea. Barry said rubbing the back of his head.

Ralph: Oh come on... it'll be fun!

With a sigh Barry reluctantly agrees.

A couple minutes Later

Barry: Iris! You ready?

Iris: Yeah babe. What about you?

In a minute! Barry quickly flashes into a new set of clothes.

How do I look? He says showing Iris his new outfit. A black trench coat with a black suit and tie.

Iris: Like a- but before Iris can finish another voice answers instead.

Caitlin: Like a badass bad boy.

Barry looks and sees Caitlin in a grey tank top and leather jacket and before he knew it he was over there in, well in a flash. His eyes blazing with blue electricity.

Barry: Wow Caitlin. Did Killer Frost give you some fashion tips? Cause you  look really... Sexy.

Iris: Barry! We need to get going remember?!

Right... sorry Barry says snapping back to reality.

Iris: So what's the name of this club we're going to?

Barry: Zodiac. Now who's ready to have fun?

Barry, Ralph, Iris, and Caitlin all arrive at Zodiac when a stranger walks up to them.

Stranger: Hey Iris!

Iris: Daniel? 

Barry walks up to him and turns to Iris.

Barry: Who's this guy?! Barry says angrily.

Iris: Barry. This is Daniel, my... brother.

You're Brother?! Barry says outraged. Why didn't you tell me this before?! Are you planning to betray me too?!

What Barry? No it isn't like that! I just didn't think it was that big of a deal. 

Barry: Whatever. Let's just go get some food! He says as he storms off to the bar dragging Iris behind him. After he orders a dozen hot wings at the bar he rushes over to a booth and speed eats them all in under 5 minutes. When he hears Caitlin chuckle. 

What? Barry says with food still in mouth.

Nothing Caitlin says still chuckling. You just have sauce all over your face, here let me get it. She says as she wipes the sauce off of his mouth. Thanks Cait he says while he stares at her beautiful brown eyes, he finally breaks the lock once he notices the look Iris is giving him and decides to break the tension by having some fun.

Barry: So, um Iris did you want to dance?

Iris not wanting to do anything after the way he acted earlier refuses. So Barry just heads to the bar when he hears a voice call out his name.

Killer Frost: I'll take that dance Barry.

Barry: Woah! Was all Barry could say.

Killer Frost: You like? 

Seeing this Iris has had enough and she walks over to Barry and grabs him by the the arm, trying to get him to leave.

Iris: Barry let's go! 

Just as he's about to leave Killer Frost also grabs him by his arm.

Killer Frost: One dance?

Barry still mad at Iris accepts. 

Barry walks over to her and Killer Frost wraps her arms around Barry's neck.

Killer Frost: So what brought on this change in attitude? Killer Frost asks curious as to his sudden interest in her.

Barry: Just looking for new thrills.

Killer Frost: Well there's a big bad world out there the right person ought a show you.

Barry: Anyone in mind? 

He then leans in for a kiss and he feels her icy breath on his face.

Iris: I'm leaving! 

Hearing Iris's voice he snaps back to reality and breaks away from the kiss.

Barry: Iris wait! I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry!

It's too late for that Barry. She says as she starts crying. 

Barry: I'm sorry Cait... I have to go. He then super speeds back to Star Labs.

Barry: Iris, please let me explain!

Iris: Explain what Barry! That you have feelings for Caitlin?! 

Barry: I don't know what I feel. All I know is Caitlin has never kept secrets from me and has always had my back when no one else would. So yes I do care about her... a lot, but it can never compare to the way I feel about you. We're destined to be together Iris! Nothing can take that away from us.

Iris: Not anymore Barry. She then takes off her engagement ring and throws on the ground and storms out. Leaving Barry to stare in the direction she was last standing.

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