Opposites do Attract

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It was late and Barry was at Star Labs Training trying to blow off some steam. He was practicing on their old test dummy Gurtur. With yesterday's events still fresh in his mind he put all of the lightning into his fist creating a super charged lightning punch knocking Gurtur's head clean off.

Woah! Barry stared in amazement before he heard someone enter the room.

Caitlin: Well someone's been working out. She says with a chuckle.

Barry: Caitlin you would never keep anything from me, would you?

Caitlin: Why are you asking me this?

Barry: Because lately it seems like everyone's against me and that I can't do anything right.

Caitlin: Barry... she says softly. No matter what happens or what you do your still human. And humans make mistakes, she says smiling at him.

Barry: Thanks Caitlin I needed that, he says as he hugs her. Hey, have you seen Joe? I've been looking for him everywhere but nothings turned up.

Caitlin: Yeah... he said he was going to Iron heights to interrogate one of the prisoners.

Barry: Which prisoner?

Caitlin: Inmate 4587, why?

Barry: Oh no!

Caitlin: What is it?

I have to go! He says as he speeds off to Iron Heights.

Once he arrives he phases through the wall and vibrates so fast that he's invisible to the naked eye. While he's listening he hears something that he wish he hadn't, Joe talking to Godspeed.

Godspeed: What the hell are you doing here?!

Joe: I'm here to release you.

Godspeed: What?

Joe: Barry hasn't been acting like himself lately and I'm worried about him. He's too fast for us to contain, but not you, you can stop him.

Godspeed: In case you've forgotten I lost my Speed remember?!

Joe: I know, but I can fix that.

Godspeed: How?

Joe: I know some very smart people.

Godspeed: Wow! You want me to imprison your own son? That's low even for you. But whatever it takes to get me out of here.

Barry had heard enough! He super speeds over to Joe grabbing him by the arm and takes him back to Star Labs.

Barry: What the hell were you doing! Why were you talking to Godspeed?! He betrayed me!

Joe: Because Barr, your too angry right now and dangerous!

Caitlin couldn't help but stare at Joe in shock. She couldn't believe he had done this behind Barry's back.

Barry: That is not your decision to make!

Joe: It is this time.

Barry: You can't treat me like I'm some villain! I haven't done anything wrong!

Joe: We all made this decision together.

Barry looks at Iris.

Barry: All of you?!

Cisco: I went back and forth it was like a good sixty-forty at first but-

Joe: Cisco...

Cisco: Yeah we all made the decision.

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