Part 5

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We went to this high top building and noona told the receptionist that we had reservations. She led us to the elevator and said

"Welcome! Its at the 17th floor, when you get off the lift turn left and there youll see the restaurant entrance."

Tae Yeon noona and I bowed to her and said our thank yous. We sat near the window so I could see Seoul at day. Its so lovely and looks so clean. The people were disciplined. The kids were roaming the streets freely. I haven't seen any beggars too. I could get use to this. I feel safe already.

(>April >> Tae Yeon)

>Eonnie? Tell me more about your training.

>> well let me see what is there to tell you.. hmmm..

>aw cmon! I bet its pretty exciting for your everyday living. I bet you get to work with celebrities already.

>>yeah I do but then theyre seniors so we really don't do humours as much as we want

>oh. So what do you do on a daily routine

>>hmm. I get up at 7 and wake up my team, im the team leader that's why I need to do this everyday for practice. On Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesday s its usually the gym in the morning, vocals in the afternoon and dancing at night. On Thursdays and Fridays its usually rehearsals for presentation and lyrics writing. On Fridays, though we have Japanese and English class in the morning after 1 hour gym. We have individual time every Saturday and Sunday.

>must be very tiring eonnie. But its Wednesday today how come youre not at practice or something?

>>well this week is vacation week but we are still obliged to go to the gym in the morning or at night.

>oh you know what I saw this guy wearing all black in Seattle Airport and when I reached seoul I saw him again. I think he;s kind of a celebrity. I didn't get to see his face though he had a mask on

>>oh yeah some of the trainees where there . I know who that guy in mask is. Its....(Tae Yeon phone rings) oh, Seunghoon is calling, he must be here

Tae Yeon eonnie answered the call so I just took pictures of the view and the place.

"He's here ^^," Tae Yeon turned to me

" Oh good we could start eating."

A tall guy entered the restaurant wearing this red long sleeves and clipped pants. He had his hair fixed to the side and had this clear nerdy looking glass on. My eyes widened and I felt my lips part a little bit. This cant be. Its my best friend Seunghoon. I stood up from my seat almost shouted but kept my manners. I walked towards him and hugged him and he hugged me back and whisphered

"I missed you Sa Wol."

I pushed him and laughed.

"You missed me? You don't even reply to my messages." I exclaimed and pulled his arm toward our table where Tae Yeon was sitting. As we reached the table Tae Yeon gave us a big smile and laughed.

"Kyeopta! I never imagined that you guys would still be friends at this age. I remember when you guys would play outside whenever its raining and Seunghoon would take all the blame for April." Tae Yeon eonnie reminisced.

"oh so you go by April now?" Seunghoon asked

"Im just used to it but from now on you guys call me Sa Wol so I'd fit in. And eonnie, stop reminiscing and lets eat.

My tummy is dying" I begged eonnie

While eating, Seunghoon had so many questions to Tae Yeon eonnie about their training.

(*Seunghoon>Sa Wol >>Tae Yeon)

*Noona, how long have you been in the program?

>>going for three years next year, I hope I debut but if not il still continue training

*aissh its going to take a while before I debut I just started

>>anniyo, I have a secret to tell you I heard that Pres. Yang is planning to debut a new boy band next

*jinja? Yah! Don't play me.

>>im serious. So do good so you can get picked okay?


>Yah! Seunghoon you never told me about your celebrity life.

*kekeke. Im not a celebrity yet but I feel like it though. I actually just back from Seattle we did some training to promote YG ent

>And you didn't tell me? How could you. We could've hung out and I could've showed you around and visited my parents!

*Yah! If I was allowed to tell anyone I would but we weren't allowed. We didn't even have our individual time there because the schedule was so busy.

>oh yeah celebrity life. ugh!

>>next time Sa Wol hed be able to tell you after he debut

>Seunghoon fighting!!

*how long will you be here?

>until you debut!

*jinja! Aisssh this is going to be a lot of fun. We need to catch up. You should drop by the studio im sure you can.

>> Yah don't kidnap my cousin yet.

>Tae Yeaon noona was actually going to take me to your studio today for a tour

>> speaking of the tour Seunghoon youre assigned to give her a tour at our studio. Don't get it trouble.


>Eonnie! Don't leave me with this idiot. Yah!!!! Eonnie!!!! Where are you going?

Tae Yeon got up from our table and smiled.

"ive got something urgent to attend to." She said and waved goodbye

>Yah eonnie! I don't have a ride.

*Sa Wol, relax you worry too much. Ive got you. Trust me.

>okay..haha sorry if I panicked. Oh well if something happens to me shell know who to look for


After catching up with Seunghoon we headed out to drive around the city so I can get familiar with the traffic regulations. He also showed be detours at rush hour. He took me from widest road to the narrowest. Im so lucky Seunghoon haven't changed and that fame haven't gone in his head. We had popsicles while we sat at the park and reminisced the days we used to catch fish there at the pond. It was late in the afternoon we head to the studio for the Ultimate Seunghoon Tour. When we reached their studio they had a valet. Whoa! I could really get used to this. The life we had back then was really different from what weve got today. we got our the car and I stared at the building in front of me it was about 7 floors high.

(*Seunghoon >Sa Wol)

*Yah! Sa Wol! Lets go! Stop staring and acting strange. Kekeke

>hahaha Whatever!


I laughed on what he said. He held out his hand to lead me in. he turned into a gentleman. I felt proud of Seunghoon. This company is molding him to be a man. I bet people here are nice. I stood in Awe as I entered the building.

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