Part 3

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I woke up early today because my phone kept on ringing, it was umma. I dialled her number soon as I saw this.

"Umma? Why are you calling so early this morning?" I asked while yawning.

"Tae Yeon, April is here and she's excited to see you. Do you have time to visit her at her apartment today?"

Umma sounds real excited and happy. I bet she couldn't sleep. She likes April because even though the tough culture back in Seattle where she grew up in, April was still sweet, kind and loves the family. I'm happy to have a cousin like her. Shes 2 years younger. We used to do everything together before I started here in YG. I mean everytime they came for vacation or if we visit them in Seattle. She'd never let me stop having fun. This time its my turn I'll make her stay here fun and make her feel like its really home.

"Ne! Ne! I'll call her! Kamsahamnida Umma! Saranghae." I exclaimed

"Okay dear! Saranghae! Be safe and healthy! Fighting!" she cheered on.

*dials April's number*

Ringing* Ringing* Ringing*


She must be tired from yesterday's flight. I'll just go to her building and check on her today and maybe we could go to lunch. Omg! I almost forgot Top hyung stays there. Im panicking. I don't know what to wear. What if he sees me. Hmmmmm. Let me just play it cool. Comfy but cute. So I decided I'd wear sneakers, dark blue pants and a white shirt that has a peace sign on it. Okay! Time to get ready to see my prince charming, oh! I mean April. Kekekekeke.

Before going at the parking lot I went to see Lee Hi and gave her the lyrics I made for our collaboration in her next album that's next year and I hope I debut before that. I passed Taeyang's studio and saw Tablo so I entered and asked if Tablo could take a look at the rap lyrics I made first before I present it to lee hi. He gave me good advices and asked me to change some of the lyrics. It was really cool with me because I know that a senior would always make improvements to juniors works and I really appreciate that in YG family. We help each other out in everything. I sometimes even babysit Haru (Tablo's daughter) when Im free. She's such a cutie. So I didn't give Lee Hi my piece as yet. I'll have to do the changes first. As I head down to the parking lot I heard someone called my name!

"Yah! Tae Yeon noona! Wait up!" Mino said.

"Yah Mino! Whats up?"

"Where are you going? Can you drop me at the Top hyungs place." He begged


"Okay Okay! That's where I'm headed to anyways."

"Oh? Wae?" he asked curiously

"Ah, my cousin from Seattle is staying there." I blushed

"Noona why are you blushing? Kekekeke. Anyway is your cousin a girl?" he asked

"Yah Mino, that's my cousin, off limits please. Besides I heard Dara likes you."

"Only because I look like GD hyung." He said with dismay

"Yah! I will tell GD oppa how you don't like to look like him. Kekekekeke. Just kidding! Lets go?"

"Anniyo noona!!! Kekekekeke! Let's go!"


We arrive at the Vallet and got out. And Yes I drive myself to wherever I want to go except when I go to concerts or go out for fun. I hate getting tired then having to drive home. We took the elevator and Mino and his goofy self pushed all the even numbers up to the 20th floor maybe its his stop too.

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