Part 1

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Sawol POV

Its was at Graduation dinner when my parents decided to send me back to South Korea for college. Even though it was supposed to be the happiest day of my life having to graduate high school and be able to go to college, I was not thrilled.

"South Korea is half way across the globe! Umma!" I said

She just let out a long sigh. She looked at me smirked and looked at Dad with Aegyo. Dad then hammered his fist on the table and looked at me with his eyebrows meeting each other. He closed his eyes for 5 seconds and opened them while letting out a big sigh.

" Choi Sa wol.." He said soflty.

"Yes Dad?"

"You know our situation honey, we don't can't afford college in this country and we 'd like you to have a brighter future and be successful so that you don't have to sacrifice a lot of things like what your umma and I did. Araso?"

"Yes Dad, It's just that its half way around the world and will be there with me? Who am I going to live with?."

"Arasyo honey, your umma and I already bought a condo for you and you don't have to worry about rent that's all paid for. Now the electricity would be a bit of a struggle for you. I know we should just send you money to pay for it so your life would be easier but we would also like for you to learn on how to value money." Dad explained

"Can I atleast think about the offer first? Umma?"

Mom smiled and said " You will have fun, new place new people. Besides your aunts and uncles are there. Also, your cousin Kim Tae Yeon, She's excited to tour you around Seoul."

Well we Asians have this culture that we respect what our parents think that's best for us. Sometimes, just sometimes we do get our own way. I don't want to break my parents hearts so I agreed and promised to have fun whatever it takes.

I smiled at my parents and looked them in the eye and said

" Kamsahamnida Umma, Appa! Saranghae!" I stood up and gave them a big hug!

I saw that my parents were happy and proud of me. I felt good about my decision. Later into the evening Mom called our attention. Dad and I looked at her and was curious on what surprise she had for us.

"I have a very important news for the both of you. I know this would be too much for you to bear April but I have to tell you this tonight because I want this night to be remembered and be it a special night." Mom said

Dad smiled and jokingly said "Ohh you're making me nervous!!"

Mom burst out in laughter and happiness. Then She smiled and looked at us dearly.

"We will have a new member of the family. I'm 3 months pregnant with your dongsaeng April!"

My mouth opened, my heart beats faster, I wasn't blinking, I couldn't move for about 10 seconds. Then it got me, Mom was pregnant and she was not joking. I wasn't going to be an only child forever, I was happy and excited but then I thought I was going away how am I going to see my dongsaeng? Oh Well I didn't dwell on that feeling because I didn't want to ruin the night.

After 15 days

Today is my flight ............................................................

Im having that separation anxiety feeling like on the first day Kindergarten. I didn't want to leave but I know my parents would be happy. I bid them goodbye at the waiting lounge thousands of hugs and kisses and I love you's was said. I lined up to check in my baggage. I was behind this guy who was dressed all black with a baseball cap on that has a peace sign on it. He had black hair, Im guessing Asian. He was a foot taller than me I guess. He was also wearing a mask. I thought to myself this guy is just weird or he's just sick. The one thing that caught my eye was his shoes, it was Jordans Retro 3. I couldn't find it anywhere in stores, I've been dying to get my hands on a pair of those. He must be one lucky guy to have those.

After checking in I went straight to my gate and no more than 30 minutes we boarded. It was a long flight to South Korea. I think it almost took us about 12-15 hours. Im not sure since it was a direct flight I really didn't check where the plane was and what time it was.

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