Chapter 2

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The kids came home from walking the puppies and continued packing, while Roger started singing a new song he just came up with about "Seeing Spots". 

Kali was helping the adults while the twins looked around the room aimlessly for Patch. They still hadn't talk to Patch all day, when they finally spotted him over by the TV.

"Hey Patch, how are you?" Brock and Ann came over and sat down next to him.

"Fine" Patch replied, only glancing at the boy and girl.

"You've been distant lately, everything OK?" Brock cut to the chase, worried for the pup.

"It's just that.. well I've been lonely lately. Mom and Dad are too focused on the other pups, they don't have time for me anymore. It feels like everyone's been ignoring me... are you guys ignoring me too?" Patch looked up to the humans, looking a little sad.

"Oh, Patch, buddy, no we're not ignoring you. You can tell us anything" Ann placed her arm around Patch, comforting him.

"Even Lucky's getting praised for stopping that mugger from stealing Nanny's purse" Patch complained.

"We know what it's like to be ignored, believe us" the twins drifted off in thought of painful old memories.

"Tell you what, when we move tomorrow we'll spend extra time with you until you get settled. How does that sound?" Brock asked the sad pup.

"I'd like that" Patch managed a small smile.

"Good" Brock smiled back, before all three of them turned back to the blank TV screen.

"You excited for the Thunderbolt show tonight?" Ann asked Patch. Since Patch was the biggest Thunderbolt fan out of the pups, next to Lucky.

"You bet!" the spunky little pup got down on his front legs in a playful manner and wagged his tail.

Perdita then came over and sat next to them. "Hello, Patch. Hi, Brock. Hi, Ann" she greeted them.

"Hey, Perdy" Ann smiled and petted the dalmatian mother.

"Hello mother" Patch glanced at her, as he had his full attention on the TV screen.

"Watching the television are you?" Perdita asked her son.

"Yes, I gotta save my spot now" Patch replied while scratching behind his ear.

"It's the best spot after all!" Brock agreed with the adventurous puppy.

"Dinner time!" everyone then heard Nanny call while she poured kibble into various bowls. The puppies ears perked up once they heard the word dinner.

"Oh, dear" Perdita knew what was about to happen.

"Here comes the cavalry!" Kali warned her siblings and took cover from the stampede of puppies. The human kids have been knocked over by the puppies so many times they've lost count.

"Oh, not again" Patch groaned.

The twins and Kali watched poor Patch get carried by the stampeding pups and into the kitchen. Brock picked up Patch while he and his twin sisters started looking for a free bowl while Nanny was washing the dishes. They found Rolly laying on top of one bowl while he ate out of the another. Once it was cleared, before Patch could eat, Penny and Prince ate out of the free bowl.

"Are you kidding me right now!" Brock asked the other puppies, a little paranoid.

All the pups soon left from their dinner while Patch looked in the empty bowls. There was no food left for Patch.

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