Chapter 8

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Later, the gang was sill trapped, feeling miserable, while the puppies continued whining.

"I'm hungry" Rolly moaned.

"I wanna go home, it's scary here" Dilly added.

"Where's mother?" Penny asked, sounding distressed.

The Harpercop siblings and Thunderbolt all glanced at Patch, but the downhearted pup turned away from them. The twins looked sad at their puppy friend.

"This is all our fault" Ann sulked, having her head down in shame. 

"No... It's my fault" Kali told her siblings softly with her head down in sadness and eyes closed. "I'm the oldest. I'm suppose to watch out for you guys and keep you safe. And now, Cruella has my crystal". The adventure girl worried what might possible evil Cruella could do with Kali's crystal in her clutches. 

The three kid siblings all sighed, truly feeling defeated. While this was going on, Patch was having his own sibling talk.

"Patch? Are you okay?" Dipstick asked his brother, coming up to the edge of the cage.

"Dad was right... I am just one of 101" Patch sighed, not feeling special at all.

"What! When did Pongo tell you that?" Ann asked Patch, being confused.

"The night before we got left behind. I asked my dad if he thought I was one of a kind, or just... one of 101" Patch paused before he sighed with his head down. "He yawned 101"

Kali and the twins solved the puzzle. "Oh, Patch. Pongo wasn't saying you were just one of 101" Kali explained softly it was just a misunderstanding. 

"Yeah, he must've been counting in his sleep again" Brock added to the spotted pup he wanted to adopt. 

"Still..." Patch frowned. "I'm sorry, guys. This is all my fault"

"Hey, didn't Thunderbolt get out of a cage like this once, in episode 13?" Lucky asked Patch, since he was the second biggest Thunderbolt fan.

"That was episode 18" Patch corrected his brother before shooting up, realizing something. "Episode 18!"

Patch came to the back of the cage, getting a running start. He rolled over and kicked the cage door open. He was now free. The human kids and pups were amazed, with the pups even praising Patch.

"Hey, shut your yapping!" Jasper snapped from the couch, but didn't see what happened. "I'm trying to get me beauty sleep"

Patch then quietly got his brothers and sisters out of the cages. "Okay you guys, stick together and be quiet"

Patch then came over to free the Harpercop siblings, biting the ropes off their tied hands. 

"Thanks, Patch" the human siblings smiled to the spotted puppy as they stood up. 

The kids and puppies undetectivly snuck away from Horace, Jasper and Carlos. But the kids turned back and frowned to see that Thunderbolt wasn't coming with them. But Patch was still a little angry with Thunderbolt so he went with his siblings.

The twins and Kali came up to the front of the pack beside Patch as they all peeked around the corner to see Cruella with Scorch on her shoulder, taunting a tied up Lars. Kali saw that Cruella was really vigilant around her crystal as it glowed. The tomboy gritted her teeth, worried if Cruella said certain words with the crystal in her grasp, bad things could happen.

"I gotta get my crystal back!" Kali quietly groaned. She didn't want to risk the world becoming a hellfire. 

The three kids and Patch then noticed the elevator.

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